2024-8-14 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2024-8-14 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot





TopicWhoMeeting NotesRelated JiraDecisions and Actions


Handling invalid relationshipId values, MODDICORE-406 - Getting issue details... STATUS Jennifer EustisWhen a value is invalid for a field that is not required, the value will be set as empty with no log entry or error.

DI Topic Tracker Issue no.56: Have the ability to download a list of errors from an import.

Jennifer Eustis

UIDATIMP-914 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DI Topic Tracker Issue no. 55: Ability to save imported identifiers to one or more lists (list for instances, holdings, items, orders, invoices,...) in the Lists App

Jennifer Eustis

DI Topic Tracker Issue no. 54: Ability to download a list of identifiers (instance, holdings, items, orders, invoices, ..._)

Jennifer Eustis

Update on status for Save Item UUIDs, UXPROD-4441 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jennifer Eustis

Inconsistent behavior of how duplicate records in the incoming file are handledJennifer Eustis

MODSOURCE-793 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Adding $g to UIIN-2579 - Getting issue details... STATUS Jeanette Kalchik

There is a need to add the $g of the 856 to this work. Can this be done or is another ticket needed?

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