MARC Validation - Ramsons requirements



Description / Jira issue(s)


Description / Jira issue(s)

General (both bib and authority)


  • Display inline error message:

  • Display modal message if it takes more than 2 seconds to complete MARC validation rules check:

  • Display Field Help Documentation:

  • UX design request:


  • Logging Warn Errors

Tenant level - Configure MARC bib validation rules that supports logic outlined - MARC validation - Logic

  • System MARC fields:

  • Default MARC bib default validation rules list

  • Update a Non-local MARC bib validation rule

  • Delete a Non-local MARC bib validation rule

  • Authority control and MARC record validation (including $9 and $0)




Tenant level - Configure MARC authority rules validation that supports logic outlined - MARC validation - Logic

  • Define Global validation rules 

  • Define which Global validation rules cannot be overridden by a tenant

  • Specify which validation rule(s) can be overridden by a tenant 

  • Specify which validation rule(s) prevents user from saving record OR just warns a user and allows save to continue

  • Set Help documentation link

  • System MARC fields:





Allow a tenant to create/modify validation rules for local bib and authority fields or fields not outlined in LOC MARC documentation 

  • Repeatability

    • Valid values (indicators, subfields)

    • Required/optional

  • 7

Handling not specified fields


Allow a user to view and edit a MARC bib/MARC authority that bypasses rules validation and has errors. Examples: a record imported via data import or direct to the db. 


Allow a tenant to delete validation rules for local bib fields or fields not outlined in LOC MARC documentation 

Post Ramsons release

Allow a tenant to delete validation rules for local authority fields or fields not outlined in LOC MARC documentation 

Post Ramsons release

Authority control subject validation 

Post Ramsons release

Ability to export validation rules in a json/text file 


Handling 1XX group - authority

Handling 1XX group - bib

Address global updates to system/non-local/local fields

Post Ramsons release

Optimistic locking and Race conditions