Testing scenarios of "Handle bib-authority link when user updates a bib record via data import":

/Table 1 - Requirements according to MODSOURCE-562

When Incoming $0 Then the existing linked bib field 
Is same as existing $0 value
  • Keeps linked to authority record 
  • Update uncontrolled subfields 
  • Controlled subfields always same as linked authority field value
Is Null
  • Unlink bib field: If process cannot find a $0 that is tied to a $9 then the bib field is no longer linked. Bib field is no longer linked and all values are uncontrolled. Bib field becomes a single text box. 
  • Update values as standard data import process 
Field is deleted or removed in imported file
  • Remove field from the bib record (assume data import does that already); Unlink bib field as it no longer exist
Is a Different $0
  • Unlink bib field: If process cannot find a $0 that is tied to a $9 then the bib field is no longer linked. Bib field is no longer linked and all values are uncontrolled. Bib field becomes a single text box. 
  • Update values as standard data import process 

Testing scenarios:

Table 2 Update using default mapping profile; match by 999 ff $s.

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?Test-caseIssue
1Delete repeatable linked fieldRemove field from the bib record;  Unlink bib field as it no longer existRemove field from the bib record;  Unlink bib field as it no longer exisYeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/375108MODSOURCE-589
2Delete unique linked fieldRemove field from the bib record;  Unlink bib field as it no longer existRemove field from the bib record;  Unlink bib field as it no longer existYeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/376946
3Delete subfield "$9" in linked fieldKeeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record Update uncontrolled subfields Yeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/375104
4Edit not controlled subfield in linked fieldKeeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record Update uncontrolled subfields Yeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/375104
5Delete "$0" value of linked field ($9 is present)Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
Delete $9;
Show as not linked on UI
Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
Delete $9;
Show as not linked on UI


6Delete "$0" and "$9" value of linked field Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
7Edit $0 value of linked fieldUnlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process


8Edit not linked fieldKeep the link;
Update values as standard data import process
Keep the link;
Update values as standard data import process
9Edit controlled subfield in linked fieldKeeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
 Keeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
10Edit not controlled subfield in linked fieldKeeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
11Add a new subfield with value which is eligible for linking in linked field.Keeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record 
Update uncontrolled subfields 
12Add new not controlled digit subfield with valueKeeps linked to authority record 
Create uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record 
Create uncontrolled subfields 


13Add new not controlled letter subfield with valueKeeps linked to authority record 
Create uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record 
Create uncontrolled subfields 


14Edit tag value + delete $9Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
Unlink bib field;
Update values as standard data import process
15Import new Instance record with $9 in the field that eligible for linkingSuccessful import;
Delete $9;
Show as not linked on UI
Successful import;
$9 is existing
Show as linked on UI


16Delete not controlled subfields (letter and digit)Keeps linked to authority record;
Delete uncontrolled subfields 
Keeps linked to authority record;
Delete uncontrolled subfields 


Table 3 - Update using mapping profile with enabled "Field mapping · MARC Bibliographic · Updates" setting; match by 999 ff $s.
See screenshot for example of mapping profile setting:

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?Test-caseIssue
1If mapping profile has only $a and record has only $0 changed.No updates and links persist No updates and links persist Yeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/377000


2If mapping profile has only $a and record has only $0 removed.No updates and links persist No updates and links persist Yeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/377001


3If mapping profile has * for subfields or all of $a, $0, $9 and record has only $0 changed.$0 update is made and link is removed and therefore $9 should be gone.

If a, 0, 9 specified: Link retained but field is duplicated

If * specified: Link removed 







4If mapping profile has * for subfields or all of $a, $0, $9 and record has field removed.Remove field and link and therefore $9

If * specified: Link removed (but field is shown and the boxes stay divided)

If a, 0, 9 specified: Link removed (but field is shown and the boxes stay divided)



5If mapping profile doesn't have any fields (empty list for fields) and the field is removed from record.Remove field and link and therefore $9Field and link removedYeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/376946

Table 4 - Update using mapping profile with selected "Modifications" option; match by 999 ff $s.

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?

Action: Add 100 field (same as linked)

Updates: Edit linked and controlled subfield

1) No updates to linked field
2) 100 field was added

1) Controlled subfield was updated

2) 100 field was added


Action: Delete 100 field (same as linked)

Updates: Edit linked and NOT-controlled subfield + Edit 245 $a

1) Linked field ("100") was deleted?
2) 245 $a was updated.

1) only controlled subfield $a was deleted from linked field

2) Not-controlled subfield was updated
3) 245 $a was updated.


Action: Edit 100 $a > Insert value

Updates: Edit linked Not-controlled subfield + Edit 245 $a

1) No updates to linked controlled subfield
2) Not-controlled subfield was updated
3) 245 $a was updated.

1)  Linked and controlled subfield was added

2) Not-controlled subfield was updated
3) 245 $a was updated.


Action: Edit 100 $a > Remove value

Updates: Edit linked Not-controlled subfield + Edit 245 $a

1) ?
2) Not-controlled subfield was updated
3) 245 $a was updated.

1) Nothing happens

2) Not-controlled subfield was updated
3) 245 $a was updated.


Table 5 - Orchid >> Subfield $9 handling in the fields which NOT linkable / NOT controlled
Match by 999 ff $s used for "MARC bibliographic" records updates.

Test #Existing bib record:Record used for update:Expected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case:Issue
Create Add action:
1Doesn't have $9 in the field, which is NOT eligible for linking1) add new field with $9 (not UUID):
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360609
2) Update any other field: 245
Subfields $9 are created
Record updated
Subfields $9 are created
Record updated


21) add one new $9 subfield in field which can't be linked:
2) Update any other field: 245
31) add two $9 subfields in field which can't be linked: "$9(AuCNLDY)3360600$9(AuCNLDY)3360622"
2) Update any other field: 245
Update action:
4Has field with only one $9 in the field.
035 \\ $9 (AuCNLDY)3360609

1) update value of $9:
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360555
2) Update any other field: 245

Subfield $9 was updated
Record updated

Subfield $9 was updated.

Record updated


5Has field with two $9 in the field.
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)3360600$9(AuCNLDY)3360622
1) update one value of $9:
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)33606UPD$9(AuCNLDY)3360622
2) Update any other field: 245
Subfield $9 was updated
Record updated

6Has field with one $9 and others subfields
=338  \\$avolume$2rdacarrier$9(AuCNLDY)3360633
1) Update other subfield (not $9) from 
=338  \\$achapter$2rdacarrier$9(AuCNLDY)3360633
2) Update any other field: 245
Edited subfield was updated
Record updated

7Has field with two $9 and others subfields
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019. $9testing $9testing again again 
1) update both values $9:
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019. $9testing updated field $9testing again again updated field
2) Update any other field: 245
Subfields $9 was updated
Record updated

Delete action:
8Has two fields with only one $9 in the field.
=040  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360444
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360609
1) Delete one field with $9, don't change another one:
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360609 - remains
2) Update any other field: 245
Field was deleted
Record updated
Field was deleted
Record updated

before update:

after update as expected in quickmarc

9Has field with two $9 in the field.
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)3360600$9(AuCNLDY)3360622
1) Delete one subfield with $9, don't change another one:
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)3360600 - remains
2) Update any other field: 245
One subfield $9 was deleted.
Record updated
One subfield $9 was deleted.
Record updated

10Has field with one $9 and others subfields
=338  \\$avolume$2rdacarrier$9(AuCNLDY)3360633

1) Delete one other subfield, don't change/delete $9:
=338  \\$avolume$9(AuCNLDY)3360633 - remains
2) Update any other field: 245

Only other subfield was deleted (not $9)

Record updated.

Only other subfield was deleted (not $9)

Record updated.

11Has field with two $9 and others subfields
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019. $9testing $9testing again again 
1) Delete both subfield with $9, don't change another subfields:
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019. - remains
2) Update any other field: 245
Both $9 were deleted.
Record updated.
Both $9 were deleted.
Record updated.

12Combination of adding new field + update + delete
Existing Bib record has $9:
1) Field with $9 only
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360609
2) Field with multiple $9
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)3360600$9(AuCNLDY)3360622
3) Field doesn't have $9:
082  \\$a811.6$223
4) Field with multiple $9 and others subfields
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019. $9testing $9testing again again 

In file using for update:

1) update value of field with only one $9:
=035  \\$9(AuCNLDY)3360555
2) Delete one subfield with $9, don't change another one:
=050  \4$9(AuCNLDY)3360622
3) Add "$9" subfield to the field not having "$9":
"082  \\$a811.6$223 $9(AuCNLDY)3360677"
4) Delete both $9s from field with two $9:
=264  \1$aChicago, Illinois :$bHaymarket Books,$c2019.
5) Update "245"

1) $9 - updated
2) only one $9 deleted

3) $9 was deleted

4) Both $9 deleted

5) "245" was updated

as expectedYes
13Same as previos point + record has linked fieldsSame as previos point$9s created/updated/deleted
where it needed.
Linked field remains link.
As expected 

14Existing Bib record doesn't have $9 in fields1) Add $9 in UUID format in any field
2) Update "245"
Decline importUpdate succesfful 
Updated field looks like linked ($9 is displayed in View source)


Table 6 - Orchid >> Subfield $9 handling in the fields which  linkable / controlled
Match by 999 ff $s used for "MARC bibliographic" records updates.

Test #Existing bib record:Record used for update:Expected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case:Issue
Update action:
1Has linked field1) Edit $9 of linked not-repeatable field to another value (valid format):

2) Update "245"
Ignore update of $9
"245" updated
$9 wasn't updated

"245" updated
2Has linked field1) Edit $9 of linked field to another value (valid format):

2) Edit $0 of linked field
3) Update "245"
Unlink linked field 
Delete $9

Update $9
Unlink linked field 
Delete $9

Update $9
3Has linked field1) Edit $9 from repeatable linked field to another value (invalid format):
2) Update "245"
Ignore update of $9

"245" updated
Update job completed with error (but srs was updated).
$9 was updated to not valid UUID value
Link was deleted (Authority icons are displayed)


Create Add action
4Has linked field1) add multiple $9 (valid and not valid UUID) in the linked field:

2) Update "245"
Retain link (retain existing linked $9, ignore new $9s)
Update "245"
as expectedYes
5Has linked field1) add multiple $9 (valid and not valid UUID) in the linked field + delete $0

2) Update "245"

Unlink, delete $9 (ignore added $9s).

Update "245"

Unlink, delete $9 (ignore added $9s).

Update "245"

6Has linked field1) add multiple $9 (valid and not valid UUID) in the linked field + edit $0

2) Update "245"

Unlink, delete $9s.

Update "245"

Comleted with error, but record was updated.
Link deleted:
1) quickmarc view - link is broken
2) view source $9s were added.

MODDICORE-335 - Poppy

Delete action
7Has linked field1. Delete $9
2. Delete $0
Delete both $0 and $9
works as expectedYeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/376949
8Has linked field1. Delete $9
2. Update not controlled subfield
1. Retain link
2. Update subfield
works as expectedYeshttps://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/cases/view/375104
Additional cases:
9Has NO linked field1) Add UUID format $9s to field which eligible for linking
2) Update 245
Don't save $9
Update 245

$9 created.
245 updated


MODDICORE-330 - Poppy

10Has NO linked field1) Add $9 (not UUID) to field which eligible for linking
2) Update 245
Don't save $9
Update 245
Import - completed with errors.
But record was updated.
quickmarc - displayed added $9
View source - "MARC authority" icon is displayed
NoMODDICORE-330 - Poppy