Rules for handling 010 (MARC authority - 1XX)

This logic applies to data import (update MARC authority) and edit MARC authority via quickMARC UI (with additional validations) 

Scenarioauthority field 001 valid prefixauthority field 010 $a valid prefixbib field $0 populated by naturalid
2NY010 $a010 $a
3YY010 $a010 $a

See table to revise test results:
Table 1: Edit in quickMARC; Linking is based on "001" field ("$0" of "MARC Bib" is controlled by "001" field of "MARC Authority")

UIQM-386 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test #Description Expected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case

When "MARC Authority" doesn't have "010" >>
Create new "010" field with "$a" >> save the record

Show error 

Successful save Yes

When "MARC Authority" doesn't have "010" >>
Create new "010" field with "$z" >> save the record 

Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
3When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Edit "$z" in "010" field >> save the record  
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
4When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Delete "010" field with "$z">> save the record  
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
5When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Add "$a" in "010" field >> save the record  
Show errorShow errorYes
6When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Edit "$a" in "010" field >> save the record
Show errorShow errorYes
7 When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Add "$z" in "010" field >> save the record
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
8When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Edit "$z" in "010" field >> save the record
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
9When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$z" in "010" field >> save the record
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes
10When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$a" in "010" field >> save the record
Show errorShow errorYes
11When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Delete "010" field >> save the record
Successful saveSuccessful saveYes

Table 2: Edit in quickMARC; Linking is based on "010" field ("$0" of "MARC Bib" is controlled by "010 $a" field of "MARC Authority")

UIQM-348 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case
1Edit "$a" in "010" field (from valid to valid prefix) >> save the recordsuccessful save; 
"$0" - updated with "010 $a"
successful save; 
"$0" - updated with "010 $a"
2Edit "$a" in "010" field (from valid to NOT valid prefix) >> save the recordsuccessful save; 
"$0" - updated with "001"
successful save; 
"$0" - updated with "001"
3Delete "010" field Icon doesn't showIcon doesn't showYes
4Delete "010" field via rename tag value to "009" >> Save the recordShow errorSuccessful saveYes
5Add "$z" in "010" field >> save the recordsuccessful savesuccessful saveYes
6Edit "$z" in "010" field >> save the recordsuccessful savesuccessful saveYes
7Delete "$z" in "010" field >> save the recordsuccessful savesuccessful saveYes
8When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$a" in "010" field >> save the record
Show errorsuccessful save; Linked bib update confirmation modal is shown;
"$0" - updated with "001"
9Delete value from "$a" in "010" field >> save the recordShow errorsuccessful save; Linked bib update confirmation modal is shown;
"$0" - updated with "001 $a"

Table 3: Update MARC authority record via "Data import"; Linking is based on "010" field ("$0" of "MARC Bib" is controlled by "010 $a" field of "MARC Authority")

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case
1Edit "$a" in "010" field (from valid to valid prefix)

Update MARC authority 010 $a

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "010 $a"

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "010 $a"Yes
2Edit "$a" in "010" field (from valid to NOT valid prefix)  

Update MARC authority 010 $a

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"Yes
3Delete "010" field 

Update MARC authority without 010

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001" 

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"Yes
5Add "$z" in "010" field 

MARC authority 010 is updated with $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" -

not updated

6Edit "$z" in "010" fieldMARC authority 010 is updated with $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" -

not updated

7Delete "$z" in "010" fieldMARC authority 010 is updated without $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" -

not updated

8When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$a" in "010" field

MARC authority 010 is updated without $a

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001" 

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"Yes
9Delete value from "$a" in "010" field

Could be an DI error that prevents the record from updating OR

MARC authority is updated without 010

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "001"

MARC authority updated with empty "010" (without "$a"). "Something went wrong" screen when opening it for edit


(assumption: MARC authority is updated without 010)

Table 4: Update via "Data import"; Linking is based on "001" field ("$0" of "MARC Bib" is controlled by "001" field of "MARC Authority")

Test #DescriptionExpected resultActual resultPassed?Test-case

Given 001 has a valid prefix 

When "MARC Authority "create new "010" field with "$a"  AND valid prefix

MARC authority updated with 010 $a 

AND the bib field $0 is also updated with 010 $a 

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "010"Yes

Given 001 has an invalid prefix 

When "MARC Authority" create new "010" field with "$a"  AND valid prefix

MARC authority updated with 010 $a 

AND the bib field $0 is also updated with 010 $a 

Linked bib fields "$0" - updated with "010"Yes

Given 001 has an invalid prefix 

When "MARC Authority" create new "010" field with "$a"  AND invalid prefix

MARC authority updated with 010 $a

AND the bib field $0 is not updated and 001 continues to populate the value

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updated Yes

Given 001 has an valid prefix 

When "MARC Authority" create new "010" field with "$a"  AND invalid prefix

MARC authority updated with 010 $a

AND the bib field $0 is not updated and 001 continues to populate the value

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updated Yes
5When "MARC Authority" doesn't have "010" >>
Create new "010" field with "$z" 

MARC authority updated with 010 $z

AND the bib field $0 is not updated and 001 continues to populate the value

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
6When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Edit "$z" in "010" field >> save the record  

MARC authority updated with 010 $z

AND the bib field $0 is not updated and 001 continues to populate the value

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
7When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Delete "010" field with "$z  

MARC authority updated without 010 $z 

AND the bib field $0 is not updated and 001 continues to populate the value. Assuming that 010 $a has an invalid prefix. 

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
8When "MARC Authority" has "010 $z"
Add "$a" in "010" field  

MARC authority updated with 010 $a

If 010 $a is valid then update linked bib fields $0 otherwise no change

If 010 $a is valid then update linked bib fields $0 otherwise no changeYes

Add valid "$a":
Add invalid "$a":

9When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Edit "$a" in "010" field

MARC authority updated with 010 $a

If 010 $a is valid then update linked bib fields $0 otherwise no change

If 010 $a is valid then update linked bib fields $0 otherwise no changeYes

Edit "$a" with valid:
Edit "$a" with invalid:

10 When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Add "$z" in "010" field  

MARC authority updated with 010 $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

MARC authority updated with 010 $zYes
11When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Edit "$z" in "010" field  

MARC authority updated with 010 $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
12When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$z" in "010" field

MARC authority updated without 010 $z

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
13When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a and $z"
Delete "$a" in "010" field 

MARC authority updated without 010 $a

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes
14When "MARC Authority" has "010 $a"
Delete "010" field 

MARC authority updated without 010 

No change to linked bib fields $0

Linked bib fields "$0" - not updatedYes