Spitfire - Spikes/Investigations
Spitfire - Spikes/Investigations
- MODQM-112 Spike: Support a way to express a literal $
- MODQM-128 Spike: quickMARC Update Record Latency
- MODQM-166 Spike: investigate effort to support optimistic locking
- MODQM-217 Spike: Determine a plan to address persistent 500 errors upon editing a quickMARC record
- MODQM-311 Spike: Investigate feasibility of local authority source support
- MODQM-338: Handling Unsaved/Saved Links When Updating a MARC Authority Record Before Saving a Bib Record in Create/Edit/Derive Bib Feature
- MODQM-68 Spike: Support duplication of a MARC bib record
Data Import
- MARC records investigation
- Data-import testing approach on Rancher
- MARC Holdings - Default Mapping profile
- SPIKE: Ability to delete an authority record
- Spike: MODDATAIMP-361 Investigation: Import MARC Authority records
- Spike: MODDICORE-169 Import Holdings - Define changes needed to maintain Holdings creation
- Spike: MODSOURCE-274 Store MARC Holdings record
- SPIKE: MODSOURMAN-526 Verify persist value in DB during parsing 004 field
- SPIKE: MODSOURMAN-623 Authority record > Generate a 999 ff $i
- SPIKE: Searching MARC Authority Records via MARC authority app
- SPIKE: Update MARC authority records via Data import
- Spike MODDATAIMP-420 - Create monitoring task for Data Import app
- Spike: MODQM-75 - Investigate | MARC Authority record | Implement sequence number generation mechanism for HRIDs
- Spike: SPIKE: Data Import Component: Investigate an approach to move backend file upload functionality into a separate java library
- Addition to Spike: MODKBEKBJ-459 Ability to filter titles by package(s) + titles/selection status + tags/access status types
- Spike: Changing /titles/{titleId}?include=resources to a paged endpoint
- Spike: eHoldings - Investigate areas that need refactoring for Jest + RTL testing
- Spike: MODEXPW-224 - eHoldings: create a plan to migrate data that is stored in job context to database
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-127 - Modularize JMeter mod-kb-ebsco-java tests
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-12 - JMeter for creating a Performance Test Plan
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-255 - Harden process to load holdings
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-260 - Ability to export package and title+package details
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-267 - Use new HoldingsIQ endpoints with multiple staging areas and Delta Reports
- SPIKE: MODKBEKBJ-323 Investigate Data Migration Scripts
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-330 - Associate institution with a user
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-331 - How to store multiple HoldingsIQ/RM API credentials in mod-configuration
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-360 - Investigate method for bulk retrieval of resources
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-390 - describe design for "Single tenant multiple EBSCO KBs" scenario
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-458 ability to filter packages by whether the package is assigned or unassigned to an agreement
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-46 - Spring initiative investigation
- SPIKE: MODKBEKBJ-504 User patron groups should be in sync with users app
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-674 Review current database tables structure
- Usage Consolidation: Folio - Cost-per-use integration
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-464 - Investigate Cost Per Use Controller API
- SPIKE: MODKBEKBJ-489 & MODKBEKBJ-484- Investigate Cost Per Use Controller API
- Usage Consolidation: Folio - Cost-per-use integration: Authentification and configuration design
- Design API endpoints and data payload for cost-per-use
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-482 - Investigate and Design export option for titles in cost-per-use view
- Investigation: How many selected titles' cost-per-use return
- Investigation: Connection between POL, invoice lines and eholdings package/resource
Custom Fields
- Custom fields: Validation
- Spike: MODCFIELDS-21 - Getting familiar with User Data import to see how it can import custom fields
- MODCFIELDS-39 - Custom Field backend demo
Load Testing
- Authority API Moving
- Postgres performance improvement for pagination
- RMB: JSON Schema and RAML interfaces overview
- Spike: CIRC-436 - Delivery requests: support request preferences of user
- Spike: CIRC-441 - Delivery requests: support tokens for delivery slip
- Spike: Figure out how to plug JSON schema in from external library (jar file) into a module
- Spike: FOLIO-3521 - Investigate > Create widgets on Dashboard app
- Spike: MODKBEKBJ-358 - Investigate OKAPI request routing implementation
- Spike: MODPUBSUB-11 Vert.x Kafka client PoC - draft
- Spike: UIIN-2095 Define approach to update Browse implementation for scalability
- Spring DI in Vertx overview
- UIEH-940 - Proof of Concept: Automated Accessibility Compliance Testing Tool with CI : Deque aXe
- mod-search Assessment
- MSEARCH-426 - search by contributor's values limiting to one object
- UIIN-2330 Spike: Investigate adding the Advanced Search component to the Inventory app.
, multiple selections available,
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