Spike: FOLIO-3521 - Investigate > Create widgets on Dashboard app

Spike: FOLIO-3521 - Investigate > Create widgets on Dashboard app

FOLIO-3521 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The goal of the spike is to define necessary steps to implement MARC authority/bib/holdings and eHoldings search widgets, and deliver a POC widget

Spike results:

To implement a Dashboard Widget we need to do 2 things:

  1. Decide if we need to create a new WidgetType. WidgetType depends on what type of backend implementation search uses.
    If existing SimpleSearch WidgetType cannot work with back-end modules used for searching mentioned records - we should create a new WidgetType.
    More details on WidgetTypes in Vocabulary#WidgetType
    Creating a new WidgetType requires both backend and frontend work. More details on creating new WidgetTypes in Dashboard Documentation#AsaFoliodeveloperIwanttodevelopanewwidgettype
  2. Create a WidgetDefinition.
    WidgetDefinition describes search request parameters:
    - endpoint URL
    - filters
    - sorting
    It can also describe which columns to display on the widget card.
    This step requires only backend work. More details in Dashboard Documentation#AsaFoliodeveloperIwanttodevelopanewwidgetdefinitionformyapp

At this point we should have our Widget Definition listed in Widget Definitions dropdown and users will be able to create and configure widgets

Next steps:

As we need to have some backend implementation to create a POC for eHoldings widget - the suggestion is to create an additional backend spike