Migration process
Migration process
- Pavlo Smahin
Owned by Pavlo Smahin
Proposed database structure
sft_headings, saft_headings, identifiers, notes - jsonb array of objects
sft_heading, saft_heading - objects are object of the same type that contains heading and heading_type (same as heading_type column)
Creation script Expand source
BEGIN; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority ( id uuid not null primary key, natural_id character varying default random() not null, source_file_id uuid constraint fk_authority_source_file_id references diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file, source character varying not null, heading character varying not null, heading_type character varying not null, _version integer, subject_heading_code "char", sft_headings jsonb, saft_headings jsonb, identifiers jsonb, notes jsonb, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT unq_heading UNIQUE (heading, heading_type) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file ( id uuid NOT NULL, name character varying(250) NOT NULL, type character varying(25), base_url character varying(250), source character varying(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_code ( authority_source_file_id uuid NOT NULL, code character varying(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_metadata ( id uuid NOT NULL, authority_source_file_id uuid NOT NULL, created_date timestamp without time zone, updated_date timestamp without time zone, created_by_user_id uuid, updated_by_user_id uuid, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_metadata ( id uuid NOT NULL, authority_id uuid NOT NULL, created_date timestamp without time zone, updated_date timestamp without time zone, created_by_user_id uuid, updated_by_user_id uuid, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type ( id uuid NOT NULL, name character varying(250) NOT NULL, source character varying(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type_metadata ( id uuid NOT NULL, authority_note_type_id uuid NOT NULL, created_date timestamp without time zone, updated_date timestamp without time zone, created_by_user_id uuid, updated_by_user_id uuid, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authority_source_file_id FOREIGN KEY (source_file_id) REFERENCES diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_code ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authority_source_file_id FOREIGN KEY (authority_source_file_id) REFERENCES diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_metadata ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authority_source_file_id FOREIGN KEY (authority_source_file_id) REFERENCES diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_metadata ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authority_id FOREIGN KEY (authority_id) REFERENCES diku_mod_entities_links.authority (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type_metadata ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authority_note_type_id FOREIGN KEY (authority_note_type_id) REFERENCES diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; END;
Migration script Expand source
CREATE FUNCTION DIKU_MOD_ENTITIES_LINKS.GETVALUEANDFIELDNAME4(JSON_DATA JSONB) RETURNS TABLE (FIELD_VALUE text, FIELD_NAME TEXT) LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ BEGIN IF (json_data ->> 'personalName') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'personalName' AS field_value, 'personalName' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'personalNameTitle') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'personalNameTitle' AS field_value, 'personalNameTitle' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'corporateName') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'corporateName' AS field_value, 'corporateName' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'corporateNameTitle') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'corporateNameTitle' AS field_value, 'corporateNameTitle' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'meetingName') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'meetingName' AS field_value, 'meetingName' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'meetingNameTitle') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'meetingNameTitle' AS field_value, 'meetingNameTitle' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'uniformTitle') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'uniformTitle' AS field_value, 'uniformTitle' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'topicalTerm') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'topicalTerm' AS field_value, 'topicalTerm' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'geographicName') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'geographicName' AS field_value, 'geographicName' AS field_name; ELSIF (json_data ->> 'genreTerm') IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT json_data ->> 'genreTerm' AS field_value, 'genreTerm' AS field_name; ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT 'none' AS field_value, 'none' AS field_name; END IF; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_entities_links.get_jsonb_field_value2(column_name text) RETURNS TABLE (id uuid, field_value text) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonb->' || quote_literal(column_name) || ') AS field_value FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type(id, name, source) SELECT id, jsonb->>'name', jsonb->>'source' FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority_note_type; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note_type_metadata( authority_note_type_id, created_date, updated_date, created_by_user_id, updated_by_user_id) SELECT id, to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS'), to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS'), (jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdByUserId')::uuid, (jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedByUserId')::uuid FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority_note_type; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file( id, name, type, base_url, source) SELECT id, jsonb->>'name', jsonb->>'type',jsonb->>'baseUrl', jsonb->>'source' FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority_source_file; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_code( authority_source_file_id, code) SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonb->'codes') FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority_source_file; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_source_file_metadata( authority_source_file_id, created_date, updated_date, created_by_user_id, updated_by_user_id) SELECT id, to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS'), to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS'), (jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdByUserId')::uuid, (jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedByUserId')::uuid FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority_source_file; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority( id, natural_id, source_file_id, source, heading, heading_type, _version, subject_heading_code) SELECT t.id, t.jsonb->>'naturalId', (t.jsonb->>'sourceFileId')::uuid,'MARC', f.field_value, f.field_name, 0, t.jsonb->>'subjectHeadings' FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority t CROSS JOIN LATERAL diku_mod_entities_links.GetValueAndFieldName4(t.jsonb) f(field_value, field_name) ON CONFLICT (heading, heading_type) DO NOTHING; DO $$ DECLARE row_data RECORD; BEGIN FOR row_data IN SELECT id, to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS') as created_date, to_timestamp(jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedDate', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS.MS') as updated_date, (jsonb->'metadata'->>'createdByUserId')::uuid as created_by_user_id, (jsonb->'metadata'->>'updatedByUserId')::uuid as updated_by_user_id FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_metadata (authority_id, created_date, updated_date, created_by_user_id, updated_by_user_id) VALUES (row_data.id, row_data.created_date, row_data.updated_date, row_data.created_by_user_id, row_data.updated_by_user_id); EXCEPTION WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Skipping insertion for authority_id: %', row_data.id; END; END LOOP; END; $$; DO $$ DECLARE row_data RECORD; BEGIN FOR row_data IN SELECT id, TRIM(identifier_obj->>'value') AS value, MIN(identifier_obj->>'identifierTypeId') AS identifierTypeId FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority, jsonb_array_elements(jsonb->'identifiers') AS identifier_obj GROUP BY id, TRIM(identifier_obj->>'value') LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_identifier(authority_id, value, identifier_type_id) VALUES (row_data.id, row_data.value, (row_data.identifierTypeId)::uuid); EXCEPTION WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Skipping insertion for authority_id: %', row_data.id; END; END LOOP; END; $$; DO $$ DECLARE row_data RECORD; BEGIN FOR row_data IN SELECT id, TRIM(note_obj->>'value') AS value, (note_obj->>'noteTypeId')::uuid AS noteTypeId, note_obj->>'note' as note, note_obj->>'staffOnly' as staffOnly FROM diku_mod_inventory_storage.authority, jsonb_array_elements(jsonb->'notes') AS note_obj LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_note(authority_id, note_type_id, value, staff_only) VALUES (row_data.id, row_data.noteTypeId, row_data.note, row_data.staffOnly::boolean); EXCEPTION WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Skipping insertion for authority_id: %', row_data.id; END; END LOOP; END; $$; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_saft_heading(authority_id, saft_heading) SELECT e.id, i.field_value FROM diku_mod_entities_links.authority e JOIN diku_mod_entities_links.get_jsonb_field_value2('saft' || UPPER(SUBSTRING(e.heading_type, 1, 1)) || SUBSTRING(e.heading_type, 2)) i on e.id = i.id; INSERT INTO diku_mod_entities_links.authority_sft_heading(authority_id, sft_heading) SELECT e.id, i.field_value FROM diku_mod_entities_links.authority e JOIN diku_mod_entities_links.get_jsonb_field_value2('sft' || UPPER(SUBSTRING(e.heading_type, 1, 1)) || SUBSTRING(e.heading_type, 2)) i on e.id = i.id;