Folijet - Retrospective / Action plan

Action planNotes

  • KS: Discuss with Kitfox issues with Karate failing on envs

  • Lotus release retrospective:  focus on TC preparation before the bug-fest instead of during the bug-fest (as we are planning into the MG release)

  • Kiwi retro: Be given access (including cloud watch access for easily retrieving and filtering logs)  to AWS Bugfest evn for developers in read only

  • KS: create a ticket to address fixing problem with Karate test and plan it for the nearest sprint

  • Organize a call with BE team+SA+PTF on performance testing process

  • Make comment on the approach in the PR so that to make it easier for the reviewers; and sent a short message for urgent PRs either Slack or Skype

  • Every morning check for PRs to review

  • Make sure all backlog items are estimated; "won't" do items should have  0 estimate

  • Plan the sprints for 80% for development and 20% for unexpected work

  • Taisiya Trunova make a presentation of updates for the development process (new statuses, workflow changes)

  • Taisiya Trunova Have bug fix flow (statuses), hot fix flow, regular feature development flow in Wiki page

R2. Sprint 115. 

  • Folijet team: finish development on the second Wednesday evening and reserve Thursday and Friday for code reviews, stories reviews, last-minute fixing, etc
  • Taisiya Trunova work with the team to create feature readiness check list/DoR and user story DoR.
Need to review
  • Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) review and update the description of bugs in the backlog so that the team has the actual vision of the fixing request to be able to estimate accurately and plan the sprints

  • Taisiya Trunova Make the Sprint progress towards the Sprint goal and progress on features development visible to the PO and the team so that to be able to make appropriate decisions on improvement, plans adaptations, next releases forecasting

R1 release Retro
  • TL to check migrassion issues/schema changes needed before a release
  • Devs to create Jira tickets to account for the time spent on supporting other teams and troubleshooting Rancher issues
  • To review and update tickets for data-import documentation. Involve Vladimir to create/update the documentation. Plan for 116S
In progress
  • To follow boy/girl scout rule to cleaned up the code
In progress
In progress
In progress
  • To make sure the additional testing tasks are created for feature
Review with every feature
Q2 Release Retro
keep in mind OAI-PMH update and notify teams in case of breaking changes from our side
to keep testing performance
check the dependencies carefully before the release
Add integration tests (postman collection) for new functionality (from the previous retro)
Q1 Release Retro

Kateryna Senchenko to create a check list what should be done after schema update and add to git repository.


Devs do not bump snapshot versiondone
Do not push changes after pre-demo (on Monday) until successful demodone
Pull only bugs and tasks for testing in release sprintdone
Add step to defect's and tasks description: additional PR to release branch (related to bugfix, hotfix)done
Add integration tests (postman collection) for new functionality

Kateryna Senchenko to ask David C for a check list for kafka testing and add it to Readme of pubsub


Sprint 33-34

To prevent demo tasks from failing:

1 - Avoid late PR merges if possible: it's always better to merge code earlier during the day to be able to check it one more time.

2 - Check the task ready status on TESTING env before SNAPSHOT if possible cause it rebuilds each 2 hours.

3 - If the story/task is not merged by the last Friday standup at the end of the script, we should believe it at risk, PO should be notified.

4 - Prefer local merges/branch updates over automatic github ones if possible.


UI team to Update the platform after each sprint demodone
Sprint 30-31

Taras Tkachenkoto create simplified UI modules release procedure docs. New modules release + add to platforms procedures should also be covered.

in progress

To discuss Q1 roadmap and priorities. Tetyana Afanasyeva Organize a regular review of this roadmap.


Discuss SRS performance, set up a meeting with architects.done
Sprint 28-29
Taras Tkachenko to create bug for Zak Burk to fix stripes workspace installation scripts.not relevant
Taras Tkachenko to fix newly created platform installation not started
Sprint 26-27
Team prepared a list of issues related to RMB and shared with Core team. To be discuss during next Tech Leads meeting.done
Taras Tkachenko to create positive and negative examples of releasing new version of Stripes components.done
Sprint 24-25

To organize Q4 priorities discussion


Sprint 22-23
RuleProcessor: Rework only places where we need to apply certain changes, but do not touch the general algorithm of rule execution

Add meaningful comments for squashed merge commits

Sprint 20-21

Oleksii Kuzminov to create KB page about DoD for PRs.

in progress

Anatolii Starkov to prepare code style points to discuss.

not required 

Tetyana Afanasyeva to set up a meeting to formalize code style and discuss/accept by team

The Team to add 'tech debt' tag for items to refactor.+
The Team Start squash commits before merge+

Oleksii Kuzminov to set up a meeting to discuss team’s code quality

Sprint 18-19 Retro
Devs to notify the team when making changes in API, do not forget to link Jira tickets, leave comments in order to avoid unwanted bugs
PO needs to get some long-outstanding issues sorted out (new wireframes, details of profiles, 001/003/035 handling in MARC records) and ready for dev
Check old-estimated stories on Planning meeting before adding to sprint.
When creating stories/bug, make sure they have an Epic and are linked as "defines" to a feature
Sprint 16-17 Retro
To improve planning: pay attention to any dependencies, do not take blocked stories to the spring, do not assign all key tasks to one developer.done
TL to delegate his responsibilities for someone when he is out Oleksii Kuzminovdone - Kate is TL's deputy
To think about how we can merge Groomings/Retros and daily stand-ups. And how to make stand-ups in this case shorter.done - no change
Sprint 14-15 Retro

Igor Gorchakov to organize a team building

not done
The team enter cards on the retro board before the retro meetingdone

Taras Tkachenko to create a Wiki page how to set up BigTest framework for Windows users

Viktor Soroka to update Newcomer's first steps pagedone
Sprint 12-13 Retro

Igor Gorchakov to organize a team building

not done
The team enter cards on the retro board before the retro meetingnot done
Try to close stories at the end of the previous sprint, not at the start of the next sprintdone
Sprint 10-11 Retro
Write placeholder stories and add to backlog for non-happy path and "would be nice to have" stuff.
Be more careful updating interface versions
Add an item to check-list before updating interface versions and notify UI devs in Jira
To add more cards on the retro board

Best practiceNote
Finish development on the second Wednesday evening and reserve Thursday and Friday for code reviews, stories reviews, last-minute fixing, etc
Create a new bug in status "draft"; try to reproduce then groom with devteam before opening it

Plan the sprints for 80% for development and 20% for unexpected work

Make sure all backlog items are estimated; "won't" do items should have  0 estimate

Every morning check for PRs to review

Make comment on the approach in the PR so that to make it easier for the reviewers; and sent a short message for urgent PRs either Slack or Skype

During planning of upcoming sprint parallelize work most efficiently to avoid simultaneous editing of the same code within different tasks