Firebird - Retrospective / Action Plan

Firebird - Retrospective / Action Plan

Action PlanNotes
  • Reserve time to discuss how we can involve SAs into Firebird's features more actively to get support/technical review-guidance and represent the team at system level

  • Have a dedicated session with the team to perform RCA and form Lessons Learned package/action plan after the critical issue with OAI-PMH gets addressed

  • Keep connection with kitfox on API test/Rancher env and share a timeline with the team on their readiness/status updates

New karate tests pipeline was launched on .

  •  Build a process for integrating Yauheniya more in the workflow (consider jira flow, participation in refinement, planning, revisiting DoD)

Added a column in Jira (In QA), updated DoD, Yauheniya Kryshtafovich takes part in user stories/bugs review, refinement.

  • Support tickets in the 'In Review' state with PR review within a working day where possible

  • Expedite the issue with bulk-edit perf and OAI-PMH perf Rancher environments

Team is getting support from Kitfox, however so far both envs are not stable/available and this prevents verification of the functionality built (as we need a stable environment w/o regular redeployment)

Getting support with Perf bulk-edit. Perf OAI-PMH temporarily shut down. Will revisit based on testing strategy.

  • Revisit DoD for in sense of API tests and consider adding screenshot with successful pass of tests.
  • Modify Jira story template to include API test run (not just development)

  • @Team
    New working agreement: When possible/convenient, team prefers to have cameras turned on during the meetings to enrich communication and strengthen connection

  • Denis  Update team's meetings to happen in MS Teams (not is Slack) to enable the team for more frequent/easier video calls

  • Denis Update DoD with more details on running Karate tests (Karate (API) test should be run after every functional change and story can not be closed if the tests fail).

  • Victoria_Smelova Update DoR to include some hints on when the requirements and AC can be edited.
Firebird - Definition of Ready was updated
Firebird - Jira Flow was updated
  • @Team Use "In Refinement" status for the items ready for grooming.
In progress. Check after Sprint 133
  • @Team (FE) 
    - have more pre-grooming reviews/internal groomings
    - cross review of requirements, UI and BE stories
    - update requirements in UI stories while grooming if any inconsistencies with BE approach are found
In progress. Check after Lotus release
  • @Team to speed up code review process.
    Reminder: code review - ongoing activity for all team-member and it is of higher priority than stories in progress.
  • @Team (BE)
    - all team-members should work closely on architecture while design phase
    - team should create low-level design
    - team should create stories and split to smaller ones whenever possible
In progress. Check after Lotus release
  • @Team Start introducing dev verification on rancher env as a part of required process.
In progress. Check after Sprint 132
  • Stephanie Buck , to get some FE only features or some small FE stories/bugs to fill in gaps while waiting for BE on new features.

A bunch of UI items are available on demand from Khalilah's backlog. 

  • @Team, be more attentive reading designs and discussing FE/BE dependencies to avoid inconsistencies while implementation.
In progress. Check after Sprint 132
  • Stephanie Buck to double-check the completeness of requirements for the features taken from other POs

  • Victoria_Smelova@Team to consider additional risks to deal with non-Firebird modules. 
In progress. Check after Sprint 132
  • Victoria_Smelova, to coordinate with other teams if code reviews are required for Firebird features (especially when working on non-Firebird modules)
Agreed to spare some T-jet capacity for code review on demand
  • @Team,  to be more careful about verification of stories, especially BE ones.

  • Stephanie Buckto get more features assigned to the team to get prepared for post-Honeysuckle work.
New features are assigned to Firebird
  • Add an approval on tech lead owning the module as a required step to proceed with tech design implementation.
For R1 features design module owners were involved into reviewing approches.
Firebird - Definition of Done was updated
  • Update calendar to switch to monthly Retros.
  • Victoria_Smelova  to increase time reserved from Thunderjet's capacity to review Firebird's PRs and stories.
  • @FE team: when working on some-one else's stories - leave stories in code review until they are merged and verified on testing envs. Then, move to In Review and leave assigned to yourselves. Stories will be verified by Tester Assignee as soon as moved to In Review.

  • Stephanie Buckto look for new features to be assigned to Firebird team.