2017-08-02 Meeting notes

2017-08-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items

5 minAgenda Review; review previous minutes (which were left in Notes)Holly Mistlebauer 
20 min

Review upcoming Forum plans(See below) 

August 16: Codex

Host: Peter Murray

Presenter: Kristen Wilson and Lynn Whittenberger plus Vince, Sebastian, and Ian



    • What we could cover:
      • Just what is it?  Why do we need it?
      • How it fits into open source philosophy
      • What sorts of things we might do?
      • What we imagine this looking like in terms of apps that relate to the Codex in different ways
    • Format
      • High-level (10 minute) what is the codex? Kristen Wilson
      • Quick (10 minutes) what's in it?  Lynn and Vince
      • Each panelist gives quick intro about their interest in codex
      • Moderator (Peter) asks planned questions–groups needs to come up with seed questions
      • Leave some time for questions from attendees
    • Peter Murray to contact Vince, Sebastian and Ian about holding a panel


September 13th: GoKB

Host: Mike Winkler 

Presenter: Jahann Rolschewski, SVBSBK

GOKb update, other updates Open Library Foundation news and work going forward

    • Sept. 1st Michael will meet in Berlin to transfer GoKB and find out who wants to speak - Sept 13th

September 27: Resource Access

Host: Mark Canney

Presenter: Andrea Loigman

Show work done to date and what is planned–similar to presentations RM has done.

Notes from the previous meeting:

    • TO DO: Mark checking with Andrea to form planning and presentation.
    • 3 presenters- prototype, functionality discussion, UI/UX

October 11: FOLIO Development Process

Host: Holly Mistlebauer

Presenter: TBD

Show the process of FOLIO development- SIG to developers, PO, UX/UI- SIG discussions on functionality examples of decision making, give the SIG's approach and others, timing of decisions, feedback loops how does that work?

    • Holly will be talking to other developers about presenting with her- PO, Project Manager

October 25: Roadmap Update & Demo

Host: Sharon Wiles-Young

Presenter: Hkaplanian, TBD

Notes from the previous meeting:

    • Redo the roadmap to reflect the current reality? 
    • get this date on Harry's calendar
    • Changes in roadmap and talk about this; explanation of change in roadmap - where are we in development? Meeting goals and timeline? Answer when can my institution run an instance of FOLIO and run the code.
    • first prototype and then developed this code and here is the code that is running
    • Mention the resources: community developers= Stacks development team, Index Data team, OLE developers

November 815: Acquisitions Update

Host: ?

Presenter: ?

Notes from the previous meeting:

    • Delay due to Charleston Conference?
    • November dates? 15th

TBD: People who think they can use Okapi NOW

Show that FOLIO is not an ILS–an ILS is one of the implementations of FOLIO.

Notes from the previous meeting:

    • Peter and Christopher were part of the discussion. 
 Need to find libraries–University of Illinois, an Australian library. 
Review Idea Bank  
10 min

Upcoming Conferences

Check Trello Board

LITA at ALA Annual, Computers in Libraries who is going and would like to present

  Date               Facilitator                  Notes

July 12

Eric Hartnett (he will be out)

July 19
July 26
 Aug 2

Peter out

Aug 9        Mike Winkler

Action items
