2017-05-24 Meeting notes

2017-05-24 Meeting notes




Discussion items

May 24th FORUM debriefALL

June 14th FORUM: Roadmap update, demo and onboarding

Presenters- Harry Kaplanian, Developer: Kurt Nordstram Peter Murray will ask Jeremy; Paula Sullenger for onboarding

Host: Rachel Fadlon

Support: Eric Hartnett

  • FORUM Announcement REVISE THIS AND SEND TO GROUP - Need to add the other topics into the description: ALA, meetups, onboarding–presenters names
  • webex registration setup and link
  • Openlibraryenvironment.org
July 12: FORUM????
  • Host: ?
  • Support: ?
  • Presenter(s): ?
  • Possibility: Filip's idea about a workshop on the process for developing apps?
    • If Filip not ready on developing apps: OTHER IDEAS for Filip?
    • Peter Murray will reach out to Filip about a possible topic?
  • Will this fit the format? Setup takes a while. Depends on what he's trying to present. Record a video broken into chapters?

Other ideas:

  • A case study in how an institution is engaged in FOLIO - e.g. panel from Cornell
  • FOLIO beyond an ILS - other systems that institutions used (storage facility, repository, etc.) - informing the bigger picture. Panel with a moderator doing Q&A?

Schedule for August and beyondt: Need more ideas

(Check Idea Bank for more  topics)

ZoomWe need to test Zoom to see if we can include video of the presenters and if we can allow attendees to ask their questions rather than type them.  Also, it would be nice to see a video of the presenter while they are speaking.

All are possible. If attendees can ask questions - good idea but could be technical issues.

Sharon Wiles-Young will remind Mike to set up zoom invite to all of us Check with Mike about registration under zoom and how to cut over in time for the FORUM

Michael will set up a practice. WebEx subscription ends June 14th.

Upcoming Conferences

FOLIO Day forum at Simmons May 24th.

ALA FOLIO reception/ALA FOLIO 101 session

EBSCO User Group Meeting Oct 25-26 at Salt Lake City. Looking for presenters/topics.

Action items
