2017-12-13 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes

2017-12-13 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes



Discussion items


December 13th: End of year review:  FOLIO review

  • Went well. Many clips that could be used in the future writing of the history of the FOLIO project.
  • 102 people signed into webinar
  • After Michael Winkler posts the video to YouTube, Rachel Fadlon will send an email to all participants with the link to the recording.
  • No Twitter questions, but did get retweets and people following the project's Twitter account. FLO is notably good at retweeting us. Someone from "RedHat India" liked many of the tweets; Peter Murray will follow-up.
  • Even if we don't have the descriptions, can we put the list of upcoming Forums on the website so people know what is coming? Good idea!

January 17th: What's the Buzz? Introduction to APIs in Libraries

Host: Eric Hartnett

Presenters: Beth German and Jeremy Huff


  • Date nailed down to January 17th. Needing to get the description so the registration can be posted.

February 7: Update on Innovation Grants

Host: Mark Canney

Presenter: Andrew Nagy

  • Rachel Fadlon reaching out to Andrew about date and announcement and will copy Mark

February 21: Open Source Panel

Webinar on Open Source Panel like the panel session at ALA Midwinter


  • Now have link to the Forum description to the left.

March 7: Roadmap Update

Host: Sharon Wiles-Young

Hkaplanian can do, needs partner to demo.

Peter Murray is asking for a partner to demo: FOLIO-970 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sharon Wiles-Young to rework description of the session

March 21: GOKb

GOKb update, other updates Open Library Foundation news and work going forward

Host: Michael Winkler

Presenter: Jahann Rolschewski, SVBSBK

April: Acquisitions Update

  • Work around ER&L starting on March 4th
  • Eric Hartnett to make contact with aquisitions SIG members to check about the April date and content.

April: Metadata Management SIG Update

  • jdolivarez to mention it at tomorrow's Metadata Management SIG meeting

June: Walk-through/Discussion of Beta Release and Partners

Change this to a beta hosting discussion

ALA Annual: June 22-25

  • Check with Daniel from Chalmers to present since they will be beta hosting site- 3 beta partners on panel
  • What about other partners - Sirsi and ByWater

July: Roadmap Update

Review Idea Bank 
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • Reach out to convener of Implementation SIG (late Spring?)
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team
  • April/May timeline, before beta implementation in June/July: have a beta site talk about their interest in FOLIO (how and why as a strategy); what are some of the mechanics of the site doing the implementation
Conference News? 

Cod4Lib one session accepted.

Session in VALA, Australia and a reception for Directors there. Neil to present.

ALA Midwinter: A Peek Inside Open Source Communities: An Open Panel Discussion Saturday, February 10, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency Denver Convention Center, Mineral Hall E, 3rd Floor. details

Saturday night reception at ALA Midwinter

New business
  • Cancel meetings on December 20 and 27. Next meeting is January 3.

Action items
