2017-03-15 Meeting Notes

2017-03-15 Meeting Notes



Holly Mistlebauer

Eric Hartnett


Mark Canney

Michael Winkler

Discussion items


ItemsNotesAction Items

March 15: Roadmap Update


How did it go?  67 attendees, many in groups (e.g. TAMU had 28 in one room).
  • Did Peter record it locally?  Doesn't appear to be a recording in WebEx.
  • If we don't have a recording we will get slide desk from Harry and ask Kurt to record a demo.

March 29: The Kabalog


  • Needs to be advertised.
April 12: Resource Management in FOLIO: A First Look
April 26: Panel of SIGs, what each SIG is doing–show work–encourage people to join–is there a missing SIG–how you can start a SIG.
  • Host: Someone from PC?
  • Panelist(s):
  • Support:
  • Find someone from PC to host this.

Schedule beyond April 26

(Check Idea Bank for more  topics)

From earlier minutes:

May 10: Hackathon results?  Is there really anything to talk about?  Talk about grant opportunity instead?  Combine with some other topic like building an app?

May 24: GoKB Update?  (Mike is on Steering Committee) Delayed from April 26th.

June: Roadmap and Demo

  • Paper accepted by CNI spring meeting in April (update on FOLIO and OLE), ER&L (3 presentations and RM open house)
  • March is a heavy conference month–Code4Lib, March 28-30 Computers in Libraries, March 22-25 ACRL (2 presentations), March 15 Libarary Technology Conference (Mike and Peter)
  • For ELAG (early June), a bootcamp/workshop preconference combination was accepted; not sure about main conference proposal yet
  • Apereo workshop (also early June)
Facilitators' membership
  • Peter Murray will check (again) with User Management SIG- Chris Manly
Any other items to be discussed?  
Facilitator and minutes for upcoming meeting 

Action items