2017-11-08 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes

2017-11-08 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes



Discussion items


November 15: FOLIO Development Process: It Takes a Community

December 13th: End of year review:  FOLIO review

January 24th: What's the Buzz? Introduction to APIs in Libraries

Host: Eric Hartnett

Presenters: Beth German and Jeremy Huff


Febuary 21: Open Source Panel

Webinar on Open Source Panel like the panel session at ALA Midwinter


Panel participants from ALA Midwinter

February 7(?): GoKB

Host: Michael Winkler

Presenter: Jahann Rolschewski, SVBSBK

 GOKb update, other updates Open Library Foundation news and work going forward

March: Update on Innovation Grants

Host: Mark Canney

Presenter: Andrew Nagy

  • Can also include mention of second round awardees and announcement of the third round

March: Acquistions Update

  • Work around ER&L starting on March 4th

April: Metadata Management SIG Update

March/April: Roadmap Update

Review Idea Bank 
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • Reach out to convener of Implementation SIG (late Spring?)
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team
  • April/May timeline, before beta implementation in June/July: have a beta site talk about their interest in FOLIO (how and why as a strategy); what are some of the mechanics of the site doing the implementation
Conference News? 
  • Natasha Owens from University of Chicago created a proposal from NASIG.
  • Still waiting for confirmations from ALA about times/locations. Would like to do a fun reception event, too; thoughts?

Action items

Nov 8Peter Murray
Nov 15