FOLIO Communication Spaces
There are several avenues for keeping up with FOLIO development. Join the community at and sign up for the “Community Updates” for a monthly newsletter with updates and events announcements. You can browse this wiki without signing up but to participate via the wiki you must first sign up for, then use the same login information here. Details for these and other options may be found on the FOLIO Communication Spaces page.
The FOLIO Community Council, initially formed in March 2021, has the following charter:
To foster a healthy, productive community ecosystem, policy, and collaboration for the FOLIO project.
It plays 2 key roles. Firstly to ensure the community is strong and healthy, which can include recruiting, marketing and many external facing activities. Secondly, this council is responsible for the smooth operation of community activities, including coordinating with other councils, and ensuring the community is collaborative and inclusive. It is the highest level organizational body within FOLIO project.
The Community Council is the first point of contact for FOLIO Member Organizations.
FOLIO Product Council
The FOLIO Product Council, also called the SIG of SIGS, will act on behalf of the FOLIO Community to express and champion priorities in the development of the FOLIO Library Service Platform. Any questions, suggestions, concerns or ideas about the development of the FOLIO LSP can be raised through the Product Council (aka PC).
FOLIO Technical Council
The FOLIO Technical Council provides technical guidance to the FOLIO project. The TC guides the project’s architectural vision, technical policies, standards, and best practices.
FOLIO's Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives
The initial document, finalized in December 2020
These are intended to serve several purposes:
- Help set context and a direction for the project so that more detailed tactical planning can be done in alignment with strategic goals
- Provide a structure for the project’s community to periodically reassert its strategic goals and intentions
- Allow the community to have a single, shared understanding of where we want FOLIO to go in the future
These will be reviewed and updated regularly by the community.
FOLIO's Governance Model
The FOLIO Governance Model was developed over the course of 18 months (July 2019 through December 2020) and was rolled out in 2021. The model allows organizations to be recognized as members whether they commit to paying dues or donating the time of people to do the work needed to create and sustain FOLIO. It allows all participants in the community to select council members. Please see the wiki page for more details.