FOLIO Product Council Statement on the COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic

FOLIO Product Council Statement on the COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic

Statement - October 21, 2020

We on the FOLIO Product Council (PC) hope you and your colleagues are well and stay well. As we adjust to this new normal of working remotely and dealing with additional family obligations, please know that we understand that your FOLIO Project work may not be a major priority. 

Due to the current events, many members of the FOLIO Community are required to shift to remote work for an indefinite period of time. While the FOLIO Project is a global collaboration that does not require face-to-face meetings, we understand that many of you may have competing priorities at work and home that may limit your ability to commit to the Project.

We will continue to provide updates as the situation develops. Please check back here for current information.

In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever that we do our best to take care of ourselves and each other.  Stay safe and healthy!


Original Statement posted - Mar 19, 2020

We on the FOLIO Product Council (PC) hope you and your colleagues are well and stay well. As we adjust to this new normal of working remotely and dealing with additional family obligations, please know that we understand that your FOLIO Project work may not be a major priority. 

Due to the current events, many members of the FOLIO Community are required to shift to remote work for an indefinite period of time. While the FOLIO Project is a global collaboration that does not require face-to-face meetings, we understand that many of you may have competing priorities at work and home that may limit your ability to commit to the Project.

Over the next several weeks, the Community will continue to focus on the Fameflower release (scheduled for April 10). While the PC will continue to meet as scheduled, we recommend that Special Interest Groups (SIGs) cancel meetings through April 14th. POs and Conveners may reach out to SIG members as necessary. 

If SIGs require this flexibility beyond April 14th, the convener should reach out to the PC for assistance.

Also be aware that given the heightened popularity of Zoom for distributed meetings, there are now reports of “Zoom-bombing” where internet trolls join open meetings to disrupt them.  The Open Library Foundation Infrastructure Committee will be putting Zoom Meeting Passwords in place between now and April 14th. 

More information will be distributed about meeting passwords as it becomes available.

For community members who may have additional time to contribute to the Project due to the current situation, we could use your help! 

Here are ways you can get involved:

  1.  Join next week’s bugfest - to join, please contact Anton Emelianov (Slack: anton_e ) to get access to TestRail and ask questions, read the instructions on how to participate and watch the kickoff video. More training videos here. If you don’t have access and need a Confluence account, please go here to open an account.
  2.  SIG members can add to our Tips and Tricks section on the wiki, which contains informal, community-created documentation, as well as tips and tricks that users discover when using FOLIO.
  3.  Take a look at the list of current PO needs and see if you have the time or expertise to contribute. 

We will continue to provide updates as the situation develops. Please check back here for current information.

In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever that we do our best to take care of ourselves and each other.  Stay safe and healthy!

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