FOLIO Developer Directory

FOLIO Developer Directory

This is a directory of developers, product owners, and UX/UI designers working on FOLIO.  Please help keep this list current by adding new developers and correcting other data as needed.

Other non-technical people contributing to the development of FOLIO, such as members of the Product Council and the Special Interest Groups (SIGS), are listed elsewhere within this wiki

Development Teams and Current Focus


Current Focus

Core Teams (Platform, Prokopovych, Concorde (inactive))

User Management, Inventory, Codex Search, Resource Access & FOLIO Platform

BAMAMod-Cal, Mod-UI (Calendar Module), FOLIO Documentation

Stripes Force

UX, Accessibility


Fees/Fines and Patron Blocks (within Resource Access)


MARC Cataloging


External Systems Integrations, Data capture for auditing and for reporting, Testing (UI), eholdings app, Acquisitions

Bienenvolk (formerly ERM Delivery)

ERM (Licenses, Agreements etc), Dashboard

ERM: UB Leipzig

ERM Usage Data


Data Import (Bib/Acq)


NCIP: Protocol for service requests/fulfillment


Reporting and analytics


eHoldings App, Custom Fields, Notes helper app, Local password management,

Thor: Index Data

Course Reserves, Z39.50




Calendar, Patron notices, Circulation Editor, and additional resource access features (picking up from Core)

Team vs module responsibility matrix

FOLIO Module/JIRA project-Team-PO-Dev Lead responsibility matrix

Assignments By Person

This table has been removed from the wiki because it was not being maintained.   To see a list of team members for each team please click on the link in the Team column above.

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