App Interaction SIG Home


NameOrganizationFunction / Title / Notes
Amanda Ros Texas A&M University LibrariesBulk Edit representative, Bulk Edit documentation 
Index Data

Product Owner - Codex Search Implementation; Inventory Management;

Librarian. Analyst

EBSCOProduct Owner - Acquisitions
Skidmore CollegeACQ SIG convener
Texas A&M University LibrariesACQ SIG co-convener
VZG, GöttingenRA SIG co-convener
EBSCOProduct Owner - eHoldings, Codex, EBSCO Hosting
University of ChicagoRM SIG convener
CornellMM SIG representative
VZG, GöttingenERM SIG convener
hbz, CologneERM SIG co-convener
University of ChicagoUM convener Owner agreements + licenses

Recent space activity

About us

The App Interaction SIG reviews workflows and data flows between FOLIO apps to clarify relationships and agree on future development steps. Its role is to determine gaps in cross app functionality and develop mechanisms and solutions to support required functions. For this outcome to be achieved it defines app interactions for all types of resources as well as all kinds of use cases for the various needs of institutions. As part of defining workflows between FOLIO apps, different scenarios for varying external partners and sources are taken into consideration. Where possible, App Interaction SIG tries to find alignment on UX/UI requirements.

Communication Channels

See FOLIO Communication Spaces for more details about the project's communication channels.


The App Interaction Group meets via Zoom:

For more details, see the meeting minutes or recordings.

SIG Conveners

For more information about the App Interaction SIG contact the conveners Martina Schildt and Tara Barnett.