- Override when item with requests is checked outUIU-1838
- "Error modal" does not un-checkmark entries when you click on themUIU-1408Resolved issue: UIU-1408John Coburn
- FF History does not checkmark all rows when top box checkedUIU-1407Resolved issue: UIU-1407John Coburn
- Change due date in loan details: confirmation and action log not updated properlyUIU-1281Resolved issue: UIU-1281
- Fee/Fine permissions available for selection are not actually activeUIU-1269Resolved issue: UIU-1269Holly Mistlebauer
- Checkout permission not enough to allow checkoutUIU-1253Resolved issue: UIU-1253
- Odd ellipsis behavior after refreshing Open Loans pageUIU-1239Resolved issue: UIU-1239
- Cannot select loans in Open Loans to Renew or Change Due DateUIU-1237Resolved issue: UIU-1237
- BugFest installation of Fees/Fines History, Fee/Fine Details and New Fee/Fine does not match other test sitesUIU-1236Resolved issue: UIU-1236Peter Murray
- Forgot password feature in BugFest env. redirects to EBSCO System ErrorUIU-1234Resolved issue: UIU-1234
- ID/barcode link from request does not loadUIREQ-349Resolved issue: UIREQ-349Matt Connolly
- Deleting already-deleted request causes ungraceful errorUIREQ-344Resolved issue: UIREQ-344Stanislau Snapok
- "Requests on item" count incorrect when creating new requestUIREQ-343Resolved issue: UIREQ-343Michal Kuklis
- Sorting by Proxy Column not workingUIREQ-342Resolved issue: UIREQ-342Michal Kuklis
- Requester lookup in creating new requests – content of column "patron group" not displayingUIREQ-341Resolved issue: UIREQ-341
- Can't place request - no response after 30+ secondsUIREQ-337Resolved issue: UIREQ-337
- Can't create requests in Bugfest environmentUIREQ-336Resolved issue: UIREQ-336
- T3232 Order templates are preventing the changing of POL order formatUIOR-391Resolved issue: UIOR-391Dennis Bridges
- T3235 Template causing issues in creating Ongoing Order + PO LineUIOR-390Resolved issue: UIOR-390Dennis Bridges
- POL check box is not displaying as active in receiving and receiving historyUIOR-386Resolved issue: UIOR-386Dennis Bridges
- "Purchase Order Line has not been created" error appears, though PO lines were createdUIOR-385Resolved issue: UIOR-385Dennis Bridges
- Unable to add PO line w/o required paymentUIOR-384Resolved issue: UIOR-384Dennis Bridges
- Can't set Order Workflow Status back to OpenUIOR-382Resolved issue: UIOR-382
- Failed test: Manually Create InvoiceUINV-75Resolved issue: UINV-75
- Application menu name is not pluralUINV-72Resolved issue: UINV-72Владислав Велицкий
- Note Drop Down (T3454 & T3456)UINOTES-56Resolved issue: UINOTES-56
- Link to request queue from item recordUIIT-87Resolved issue: UIIT-87Niels Erik Nielsen
- "Show requests in queue" shows all requests at firstUIIN-773Resolved issue: UIIN-773Michal Kuklis
- T3175 - Test that instance detail only displays accordions that contain data [DOES THIS FUNCTIONALITY REALLY EXIST? /LS]UIIN-740Resolved issue: UIIN-740
- Error message when item has been deleted from another windowUIIN-730
- Find item in inventory using barcodeUIIN-728Resolved issue: UIIN-728
- Inability to create a statistical codeUIIN-725Resolved issue: UIIN-725Zak Burke
- cannot save new match profileUIDATIMP-282Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-282Oleksandr Yehorov
- Error ambiguous when checking item out at service point with no opening hours and loan policy that uses CLDDMUICHKOUT-545Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-545Anna Melnyk
- Check out taking 18 seconds in BugFest environmentUICHKOUT-541Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-541Hongwei Ji
- Calendar settings only shows 10 service pointsUICAL-88Resolved issue: UICAL-88Oleksandr Antonenko
- Can't see more than 10 desks in Switch service desk modalMODUSERBL-95Resolved issue: MODUSERBL-95Ryan Laddusaw
- Username with "_" or space is treated incorrectlyMODUSERBL-77Resolved issue: MODUSERBL-77Oleksii Maksymov
- Logging in to bugfestMODPERMS-65Resolved issue: MODPERMS-65
- Expanded permissions causing stack overflow preventing loginMODPERMS-64Resolved issue: MODPERMS-64Hongwei Ji
- Add indexes to improve /calendar/periods/{servicePointId}/calculateopening performanceMODCAL-50Resolved issue: MODCAL-50Hongwei Ji
- Valid X-Okapi-Token (with permissions) returned on invalid loginFOLIO-2287Resolved issue: FOLIO-2287Adam Dickmeiss
- Unexpected request status/Cannot have more than one request with the same position in the queueCIRC-463Resolved issue: CIRC-463Matt Reno
- Cant save changes to circ rules in BugFest due to errorCIRC-461Resolved issue: CIRC-461Kruthi Vuppala
- Cannot override when item with requests is checked outCIRC-460
- Request status does not change when pickup location is changedCIRC-458Resolved issue: CIRC-458
- Failed test: ISBN search fails when hyphens are includedBF-156Resolved issue: BF-156
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