Anna Melnyk
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Micah Walter
Micah WalterTester Assignee
Micah Walter
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TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 26, 2019 at 2:55 PM
Updated December 4, 2019 at 2:59 PM
Resolved November 27, 2019 at 12:50 PM
Overview: When you try to check out an item that will get a loan policy that makes use of closed library due date management (CLDDM), the service point you are logged in at has to have hours defined. This makes sense, I guess, but the error that is thrown doesn't give any information about what went wrong.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio
Create a loan policy that uses closed library due date management (i.e. Closed library due date management = anything but "Keep the current due date"
Hook the loan policy into circ rules so it will apply at check out
Create a service point and do not set up any opening hours under Settings > Calendar for that service point
Select that service point and go to check out
Check out an item to a patron so that it gets your loan policy which used CLDDM
Expected: Checkout should not be allowed and error message should display reading:
Header: Item not checked out
Body: Calendar timetable is absent for requested date.
Actual: Attached is a screenshot of the error message – a modal with title Item not checked out and message "Unknown error occurred".
Additonal info: In the current Bugfest instance, if I use service point Kuggen Infodisk, I can't check out anything (apparently, any item to any user); if I switch the service point to HB Infodisk, everything works fine. Also, if you change the applied loan policy to "Keep the current due date", everything works fine, as well.