Vega - UAT requirements notes

Vega - UAT requirements notes

  • Each feature or piece of functionality that team Vega completes should have at least one user acceptance testing (UAT) session

  • UAT is needed for functional feature work in single tenant and ECS environments, both standard ECS and ECS + mod-tlr

  • UAT should occur as soon as possible to enable the identification of bugs and issues as early as possible

  • The UAT environment should have instance, holdings, and item records in both the Central/Consortium tenant, and at least one Data/College/University tenant

  • Both types of environments need:

    • to be snapshot-like, but with persistent data

    • to include all circulation modules (Check in, Check out, Circulation log, Requests, fees and fines, patron notices, loans, etc.), plus Inventory, Users, and Settings

    • to have applicable permissions for the above and specific to the features being tested

    • to be accessible to community testers and members

    • an appropriate data set and configuration for the feature/case being tested

      • for example, multiple (25-30) instance, holding and item records with valid barcodes

      • multiple patron records

  • Circulation settings should be set for each environment before UAT begins. Testers should not have to spend time setting up policies, notices, et.

Ramsons features UAT

Plan as of August 5, 2024

Features to be tested as they are completed:

  1. UXPROD-4559 ECS with mod-tlr

  1. UXPROD-4657 Mediated requests

  1. UXPROD-4119 Private requests

  1. UXPROD-4831 Allow printing slips for Requests (Holds) TLR

Steph, Anne, & Vega are working to create a rancher environment that will be used by LC and the community to test the Ramsons fulfillment features, as listed above. Vega will manage the environment and keep the code up to date for all testing. People testing will be provided with a link to the environment and credentials. They will be provided a video demonstrating the functionality they are being asked to test. There will be several UATs to complete for the Ramsons features notes above. UAT information and instructions will be provided on a community wiki page in the Resource Access space. A Microsoft Form will be used to collect feedback. Our goal is for each UAT to take ~10 minutes or less to complete.

By the end of August 2024, we plan to have the environment and at least one UAT ready to begin testing UXPROD-4559. At the moment, we will be testing one feature at a time, as work is completed and made available. A formal schedule has not yet been set. It will be shared with Grace/LC and internal EBSCO folks as soon as it is ready.

Note: You can see how this will look by viewing a UAT completed by Amelia Sutton (community PO for Volaris) for Profile Pictures Part 2 here: Ramsons UAT - Profile Pictures Part 2

Workflows/tasks to test

UXPROD-4559 ECS w/mod-tlr (borrowing tenant vs Central?)

  • Permissions & affiliations

  • Requests (standard, not private)

    • TLR enablement

      • Central/data

      • Consortium

    • Create TLR request in borrowing tenant

    • View request details

    • Place request with Proxy functionality

    • Locate item in Inventory, note location of item, change affiliation, place ILR

    • Edit ILR

    • Cancel ILR

    • Edit TLR request in borrowing tenant

    • Cancel TLR request in borrowing tenant

    • Reorder queue on Primary circulation request

  • Loans

    • Check item out from Central tenant

    • Check item in to Central tenant

      • Ensure item is routed back to home location in data tenant

    • Appropriate patron notices sent for Loans

    • Find above transactions in the Circ log & verify info in each column

    • Look at Loan details

    • Look at User details

  • Staff slips

    • Print pick slips

    • Print hold search slips - item

    • Print hold search slips - title

 UXPROD-4657 Mediated requests

  • Permissions

  • Create a new m-request

  • Edit a m-request

  • Approve folio created m-request

  • Decline folio created m-request

  • Decline locate created request

  • Edit locate created request

  • Use search to find m-request

  • Use filters to find m-request

  • Confirm item arrival

  • Send item in transit


UXPROD-4119 Secure requests (Congressional loans)

  • Permissions, including access to secure tenant

  • Place secure request in Congressional tenant and ensure patron data is anonymous in the Central tenant and other related data tenants

  • Place a secure request for an oLOAN item and ensure request is visible only in the secure tenant

  • Reorder a request queue in the Congressional tenant and ensure the queue in the Central tenant aligns with your changes and the same in the Central tenant to Congressional tenant

  • Cancel a request in the Congressional tenant and ensure the private mediated request has changed to the appropriate status (Closed - Cancelled)

  • Edit a Primary private request in both tenants and to ensure the changes are reflected in the other both [the secure tenant and Central] tenant

  • Check a private request out and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant

    • Is this… - Check out an item to a private patron requester and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant (Should we say - other related tenants?).

  • Check that the patron information in Item details, Loan details are obfuscated (Action ellipses)

  • Check a private request in and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant

    • Is this…- Check an item in from a Congressional patron (e.g., private patron) and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant.

    • OR - Check in an item that has a request on it for a Congressional patron and ensure the private patron information is visible in the secure tenant and obfuscated in the Central tenant.


UXPROD-4831 Allow printing slips for Requests (Holds - Title level (TLR))

  • Permission (Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove staff slips)

    • Test: If permission, can enable setting Print hold requests

  • Enable setting “Allow print hold requests (Open - Not yet filled)”

    • Settings > Circulation > Requests > Print hold requests

  • Create new Search slip template, including adding tokens

    • Settings > Circulation > General > Staff slips > Search slip (Hold requests)

  • Create a TLR Hold with Request status of Open - Not yet filled

  • Print search slip for TLR Hold at corresponding retrieval service point (e.g., the Service point nearest where the item is shelved)

    • Requests > Actions dropdown > “Print search slips for [XYZ service point]


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