Title level requests - features and info

Title level requests - features and info



Title level requests - Basic
Determines the mostly likely item to fulfill the request and places it immediately after the request is placed

Closed - implemented


Title level requests - Lite phase 1
Evaluate request queue on item's check-in
Closed - won't do/duplicate


Title level requests - Lite phase 2
Enable manual request queue manipulation
Closed - won't do/duplicate


Data migration required by title level requests (complete)
Data migration required for UXPROD-1796

Closed - Implemented


Title level requests complete - part 1
Front and backend work for the initial implementation of title level requests complete. Unable to complete all required work for Lotus -
split into UXPROD-3392. There will be no functional release in Lotus. The work in Settings will be disabled. 
Closed - Implemented
UXPROD-3392Title level requests complete - part 2
The final work needed to complete title level requests complete as described in UXPROD-1796
Closed - Implemented
UXPROD-3402Title look-up for Requests (title level requests)
Title look-up added to new request form
Closed - Implemented


Title level requests: Multivolume series & continuing resources

Draft - Sunflower


TLR: Circulation rules on items to be followed by title level request holdsClosed - Implemented


Requests: Expanded permissioning
TLR parts 1 & 2 did not address who can place a title level request. Ideally we will find a way of controlling who can place a TLR request, by excluding patron groups, working with existing circulation rules, extending circulation rules to work with instance data (patron, loan type, material type and location IDs in a list - see if a request can occur)
Draft - Sunflower
UXPROD-4245Implement load balancing for TLR recallsDraft - TBD


TLR: customize request type order via discoveryDraft - TBD
TBDTLR as part of request policy to enable better handling of patron initiated TLRsTBD

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