Quesnelia (R1 2024) Notes on functionality

Quesnelia (R1 2024) Notes on functionality




Product Owner




Product Owner

Settings > Users

Under Settings > Users > Permission sets, when searching for users to assign or unassign a permission set using the find-user-plugin, there is a new filter for “User assignment status”. This filter allows staff to include users based on whether or not they have the relevant permission set assigned.

UIPFU-77: Add "User assignment status" filter in find-user-pluginClosed

@Amelia Sutton


When viewing addresses on a user record, previously the Country field only displayed the country’s code. Now the full name of the country is displayed.

UIU-2976: Show country name in user detail screenClosed

@Amelia Sutton

Users (Profile Pictures)

When enabled Profile pictures can be attached to user records, either through a URL for an externally hosted image, or by locally uploading a file. Supported file formats: jpg, jpeg, png

For externally linked images only the file URL is stored by the system, the images themselves are not stored. When uploading local image files through the Users UI the user will be presented with an interface to crop and/or rotate the uploaded image before saving. Locally uploaded files must be below the configured maximum file size. 

Two new permissions have been created for this functionality, Users: Can view profile and Users: Can, view, edit, and delete profile pictures see Permissions Updates for more information

UXPROD-36: Profile picturesClosed

@Amelia Sutton

Settings > Circulation > Fee/fine > Overdue fine  policies. Accordion:  Reminder Fee




Organizations - Banking

Banking must be enabled in Settings.

Users accessing banking require separate permissions to view/edit banking information.



Purchase order lines - POL details

The “Donor” field has been disabled and replaced with a “Donor” accordion.




Possible to failure while creating multiple notes via API when creating multiple note_link objects for the same target object (was not able to reproduce it via manual testing or using Jmeter highload perfomance tests)


@Khalilah Gambrell


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