Quesnelia (R1 2024) Bugfest environment preparation plan

Quesnelia (R1 2024) Bugfest environment preparation plan

Kitfox contact point - @Eldiiar Duishenaliev / @Dmytro

DiKu tenants 3:

Non-ECS (folio|folio)
bugfest - https://bugfest-quesnelia.int.aws.folio.org/
bugfest-aqa - https://bugfest-quesnelia-aqa.int.aws.folio.org/
bugfest-plus - https://bugfest-quesnelia-plus.int.aws.folio.org/

Consortia tenants(ECS)1+10+1:

ECS (ecs_admin\admin)

Quesnelia BugFest preparation EPIC - BF-613: Quesnelia 2024 R1 - Bugfest env preparationClosed

Overall Quesnelia BF prep status

Outstanding tasks

  1. Testing mod-login-saml. Configure own idp. Jira already created

  2. Adjust data export settings → Mikita to create Jira

  3. Create dashboards on pre-Q environment → Owen DONE

  4. Task is to "Edit StringTemplate.Context reference data values in Agreements" on Pre-Q environment. Jira is https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/ERM-3063. DONE

  5. Setup RW split for mod-FQM

  6. Folijet - review Kafka topics list, and remove unused

  7. Clean up job profiles (run Poppy CSP2)

  8. Setup patron notice reminder fee data. Setup OKAPI time the same as on Poppy env

  9. Profile picture - review configuration in release notes - https://github.com/folio-org/mod-users?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration-setting-for-profile-picture-feature

  10. Set env variable  BROWSE_CLASSIFICATIONS_ENABLED = true for mod-search

  11. For edge-dcb module there is one permission section mentioned here -https://github.com/folio-org/edge-dcb?tab=readme-ov-file#required-permissions and this should be applied to the edge-dcb user that will be used for DCB functionality.

Carry over from Poppy bugfest

Backlog of tasks

key summary status

Completed tasks 

key summary status

Q bugfest prep actions

Backlog of tasks