Multitenant data preparation

PERF-769 - Getting issue details... STATUS

WorkflowFile NameFirst line nameSQL for file creationFile locationautomatically added with scriptComment
select jsonb->'barcode' from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item   WHERE    jsonb->'status'->>'name' = 'Available' and jsonb->'barcode'!='null'  order by id asc offset 300 limit 400000
DMS dataYeslimit 400000 need to be changed
select jsonb->'barcode' from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item   WHERE    jsonb->'status'->>'name' = 'Checked out' and jsonb->'barcode'!='null'  order by id asc offset 0 limit 1500
DMS dataYesCould be created after database population with loans
select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.service_point limit 1
DMS dataYes
select jsonb->'barcode' from ${tenant}_mod_users.users where jsonb->'barcode'!='null' and jsonb->'active'='true' and jsonb->'expirationDate' is null order by id asc offset 10 limit 10
DMS dataYes'expirationDate' is null +???
Data Import


--Jmeter artifactNo50% tenants


--Jmeter artifactNo50% tenants


--Jmeter artifactNocentral tenant




select completed_date-started_date as job_time,hrid,file_name,started_date,completed_date, status, job_profile_name FROM [tenant]_mod_source_record_manager.job_execution order by started_date desc


select id from [tenant]_mod_inventory_storage.instance where creation_date >= '[started_date]' and creation_date<= '[completed_date]'
Jmeter artifactNoRun Data Import Create with 10k records on the central tenant and perform queries to the database. Create .csv file with instance id and go to the Data EXPORT, choose created .csv file, choose profile "Export for Data Import updates" -> "instances" in drop-down -> "Run". Steps for testing process#MARCBIBUpdate:~:text=starts%20to%20upload.-,MARC%20BIB%20Update,-To%20run%20MARC


--Jmeter artifact-simplify

Data Export

select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.instance where creation_date >= '[started_date]' and creation_date<= '[completed_date]'
Jmeter artifact
61 conc exports
Profile: Default 50%, custom 50%
Local instances (33%), shared instances (33%), shared instances with holdings (33%)
we have ins hold item
select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.instance limit 500
Jmeter artifact
select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.instance limit 2000
Jmeter artifact
Manage invoices Approve/Invoices OperationsAIE_organization_id.csvinvoice_organization_id
select id from ${tenant}_mod_organizations_storage.organizations limit 2000
DMS dataYes

select ${tenant} as fundId, ${tenant}>>'code'as fundCode from ${tenant}
join ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget  
on ${tenant}${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget.jsonb->>'fundId')::uuid
join ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.fiscal_year
on ${tenant}${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget.jsonb->>'fiscalYearId')::uuid
where ${tenant}>>'fundStatus' = 'Active' 
and ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget.jsonb->>'budgetStatus' = 'Active' 
and ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget.jsonb->>'allowableEncumbrance' != '0.0' 
and ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.budget.jsonb->>'allowableExpenditure' != '0.0' 
and (${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.fiscal_year.jsonb->>'period end)::date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
limit 1
DMS dataYes(manual for now)
Rollover Ledgers GROUPFYR_ledger_ids.csvledger_id
select ${tenant} from ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.ledger 
join ${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.fiscal_year
on ${tenant}${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.ledger.jsonb->>'fiscalYearOneId')::uuid 
where (${tenant}_mod_finance_storage.fiscal_year.jsonb->>'periodEnd')::date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
DMS dataYesrequires data preparation ??? It picks the ledger with Fiscal year period ends later then today
Item-level Requests CreationILR_itembarcodes.csvitembarcode
select jsonb->'barcode' from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item   WHERE    jsonb->'status'->>'name' = 'Available' and jsonb->'barcode'!='null'  order by id asc offset 0 limit 300
DMS dataYes
select ${tenant}_mod_users.users.jsonb->>'barcode' from ${tenant}
join ${tenant}_mod_users.users on ${tenant} = (${tenant}>>'userId')::uuid
join ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item on ${tenant} = (${tenant}>>'itemId')::uuid
where ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item.jsonb->'status'->>'name' = 'Checked out' and ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item.jsonb->'barcode'!='null' 
order by (${tenant}>>'itemId')::uuid asc offset 1500 limit 1000  
DMS dataYes
Invoices Operations (Create Invoices)IO_invoice_codes.csvinvoice_name
select ${tenant}_mod_invoice_storage.invoices.jsonb->'vendorInvoiceNo'
    from ${tenant}_mod_invoice_storage.invoices limit 2000
DMS dataYes
select DISTINCT(REPLACE(text(jsonb->'name'),' ','+'))
    FROM ${tenant}_mod_organizations_storage.organizations where jsonb->>'name' not like '%,%' limit 2000
DMS dataYesreplace spaces with + symbol in organization names. Remove names with ,
OAI-PMHOAI_PMH_API_KEY.csvAPI_KEYGENERATE APIKEYS    {"s":"nZ56F3LeAa","t":"cs00000int","u":"ecs_admin"}
s  - whatever - should be the same for all tenants
t  - tenant
u  - username

can be added to tenants credentials

Single Record Import (Create)SDIC_selectedJobProfileId.csvselectedJobProfileId
select id from ${tenant}_mod_di_converter_storage.job_profiles where jsonb->>'name' like 'Inventory Single Record - Default Create Instance'
DMS dataYes

selectedJobProfileId - Data Import Create profile (any profile can be used)

oclc_numbers - same file as for Single Record Import (Update) SDIU_oclc_numbers.csv

profileId - same file as for Single Record Import (Update) SDIU_profile_id.csv

Single Record Import (Update)SDIU_oclc_numbers.csvoclc_numbersany numbers/ the same file can be used for all tenantsJmeter artifact
select id from ${tenant}_mod_di_converter_storage.job_profiles where jsonb->>'name' like 'Inventory Single Record - Default Update Instance'
DMS dataYes

Update profile (any profile can be used)

select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.instance limit 3000
DMS dataYes
select id from ${tenant}_mod_copycat.profile where jsonb->>'name' like 'OCLC WorldCat'
DMS dataYesZ39.50 target profiles
Users Loan Renewal ULR_users.csvusers
select id from ${tenant}_mod_users.users where jsonb->'barcode'!='null' and jsonb->'active'='true' and jsonb->'expirationDate' is null order by id asc offset 0 limit 10
DMS dataYes'expirationDate' is null +??? data preparation- loans for users.
select id from ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.service_point WHERE jsonb->>'pickupLocation' = 'true'  limit 1
DMS dataYes
POO-----No files needed
    SELECT AS id, COUNT(DISTINCT item.jsonb->'status'->>'name') AS distinct_status_count
    FROM ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.instance AS instance
    JOIN ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record AS holding ON = (holding.jsonb->>'instanceId')::uuid
    JOIN ${tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item AS item ON = (item.jsonb->>'holdingsRecordId')::uuid
) AS item_instance
WHERE item_instance.distinct_status_count > 1 limit 1000;
DMS data
File with id separated with comma (Example: 00021f5a-d588-48b5-abb7-db4ff60881a2,00021ff6-dff4-43c0-9e30-6abd972f4b2e,00022064-0802-49ee-8f60-166a496e2337,0002219c-1485-40cb-bef5-03df44592580,000223d7-89c5-465a-960c-1b7a3258e515,00022514-b4a6-4819-b954-5b62aaa63adc,00022640-c226-4036-be0a-c66b9682724f)
Edifact Order Export???

Jmeter artifactNo
RW Receiving WorfklowsRW_orderIdorder_ID
select id from ${tenant}_mod_orders_storage.purchase_order limit 1000
DMS dataYes
EVA_edge-View AccountexternalSystemId.csvexternalSystemId
Select jsonb->>'externalSystemId' from  ${tenant}_mod_users.users where jsonb->>'externalSystemId' is not null limit 1000