Performance Improvement EPIC: Enable Read/Write
Performance Improvement EPIC: Enable Read/Write
Technical council overview APPROVED
Background: PTF has conducted testing on enabling Read/Write and results have shown improved CICO performance (significant) and data import (moderate). Goal is to apply this to all modules that support this capability.
Poppy Release
- Team Testing - enable R/W CIRCSTORE
- Manual QA and AQA smoke testing
- PO smoke testing
- PTF testing
- Team Testing - enable R/W CIRCSTORE
- Team Testing - enable R/W MODSOURMAN
- Manual QA and AQA smoke testing
- PO smoke testing
- PTF testing
- Team Testing - enable R/W MODSOURMAN
- R/W Acquisitions
- Implementation:
- mod-invoice-storage //waiting verification from PTF team
- mod-organization-storage //waiting verification from PTF team
- mod-orders //waiting verification from PTF team
- mod-orders-storage //waiting verification from PTF team
- mod-finance-storage - MODFISTO-402Getting issue details... STATUS (separate feature created - UXPROD-4321Getting issue details... STATUS XXL size, PO decided to move to Q release as it's too risky to implement it in Poppy)
- Team Testing - enable R/W MODFISTO
- Enable RW split on Orchid bugfest -
BF-496Getting issue details...
- Execute Katare test before and after enabling
- Execute E2E test after enabling
- Manual QA and AQA smoke testing
- PO smoke testing
- PTF testing
- mod-invoice-storage
- mod-organization-storage
- mod-orders
- mod-orders-storage
- mod-finance-storage
- Enable RW split on Orchid bugfest -
BF-496Getting issue details...
- Implementation:
- Karate test impact - may need to run in two modes with and without R/W enabled.
Next steps for Poppy release
- Kitfox: add possibility to test RW split on Rancher env
- Martin to discuss R/W to Folijet and Vega dev leads and determine work required
- Vega and Folijet dev leads need to create user stories.
- Vega review - CIRC-1666Getting issue details... STATUS and possibly re-open issue. Will be done under - CIRC-1788Getting issue details... STATUS
- Martin/Oleksii/Sasha B. define a test plan (including environments) for - Planned be ready for review at
- Development/QA
- PO
Martin to define technical definition of done- Khalilah to discuss with Steph and Ann-Marie that this work maybe included in Poppy based on technical discussion and creation of requirements
Martin to create a UXPROD feature for Poppy
Poppy2 Release and beyond
Next steps
- Martin to create a UXPROD feature/epic to describe the business value of this change.
- Martin to link already created stories to UXPROD feature/epic
- Martin to discuss with key stakeholders need to implement feature/epic and recommended completion date
- Oleksii to schedule call with Mark, Lee, Yogesh, Sobha, Vince, Olamide, Vijay
- Based on key stakeholders, release manager/PO lead/PM will work with Martin to outline an implementation plan (if necessary)
- Martin will discuss feature with dev leads
- Testing plan must be discussed
- PO lead will coordinate a meeting to discuss with POs
- Oleksii/Denis? will monitor implementation status
- OAI-PMH (Poppy)
Long term
- All storage modules
- What about spring modules? [grab from TC document]
- Discuss with SpringForce team → Oleksii Petrenko
- How can we test earlier?
- We can. Implemented support on Rancher
- Steve implemented RMB-938 to execute unit tests
- How to make sure this is enabled in bugfest environment?
- Include RW enable step to Poppy bugfest environment preparation plan → Oleksii Petrenko
- How is this tested to determine performance improvements before any code changes are made?
- Include to RW split testing strategy (baseline, functional aspect) → Oleksandr Bashtynskyi
- Define scope of workflows for modules that support RW Split → Martin Tran
To Do:
- Get a recording (TC)