Vega - Product Lead Overview
Vega - Product Lead Overview
Scrum Master Responsibilities
- Scrum Master - Onboarding tips
- Add Release Stories to applicable sprint
- Schedule 2-3 meetings a quarter with POs (+Cate when applicable) to review quarterly features (Vega Feature board: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=99)
- Ensure all POs add input to Retro boards and is aware of next steps - Vega - Retrospective / Action Plan/ Best practices list
- Ensure team adds labels to stories to be demoed for a sprint demo
- Conduct periodic review of team's Definition of Done
Product Owner (PO) Lead Responsibilities
Specific Lead responsibilities
- Capacity planning
- Refine features so that estimates on features are accurate. Typically schedule ahead and send developers' links to features ahead of meeting. (Ideally stories are already written before grooming a feature.) POs typically write UI stories and Vega BE developers write required BE stories. Although sometimes BE stories can be written by POs. For example, the BE stories for truncating the due date based on patron expiration. It's a BE process that requires guidance from the PO on how it's expected to behave.
- Work with POs that utilize Vega to understand their priorities.
- Work with FOLIO Lead PO (Khalilah Gambrell) to prioritize features for release cycles.
- Coordinating and prioritizing work across the POs utilizing Vega for feature development and/or maintenance. The specific POs vary from release cycle to release cycle but they are all circulation POs.
- Refine stories, schedule required POs to be in attendance.
- Ensure POs' stories are complete, broken into appropriate stories based on work required and ready for development (small enough to complete within one sprint and results in small PR).
- Ensure stories are pointed.
- Ensure POs review stories/bug when In Review and/or answer developers' questions.
- Ensure POs answer developers' questions promptly to avoid unnecessary delays.
- Watch blocked stories/issues, work with scrum master or tech lead to unblock them.
- There is also a significant amount of technical debt, tests and/or bug fixes that must also be coordinated and prioritized along with feature work.
- Prioritize backlog - at least weekly.
- Release cycles - ensure team is on-time with releases by tracking release calendar and release activities.
- Sprint demos - coordinate which stories will be demo'ed and by whom, update slide deck.
- Bug fest - extra attention to triaging and prioritizing bugs (sometimes difficult across POs' areas of responsibility but circulation PO Slack channel is a good place to work that out if need be).
- Provide feedback during team retrospectives (or other times) so that team continues to work efficiently and productively. (and maybe even has some fun along the way!)
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