Installing local module in rancher

This page covers topic how to install local module in rancher. As an example we will install mod-circulation-item to Vegas rancher.

  1. Create Docker repository
    1.1 Go to and create account if needed
    1.2 Create Public repository. Go to Repositories and click Create repository button:
  2. Upload project to docker repository:

    2.1 Open project in Intellij idea and run Dockerfile, it will create docker image

    2.2 Push created image to Docker repository. Right click docker image and click Push image and fill repository details:

  3. Installing module in Rancher:
    3.1 Open rancher Dashboard: and choose appropriate project

    3.2 Go to Apps → Charts and select mod-remote-storage

    3.3 Click install

    3.4 Fill the module name and check "Customize Helm options before install" and click Next

    3.5 Change repository and tag to uploaded repository URL from step 2.2 and click next

    3.6 In Helm options uncheck Validate OpenAPI schema and Wait and click Install

    3.7 Verify installation in Workload → Deployments:

    4. Installing module to Okapi using Postman
    4.1 Post module descriptor:

    4.2 Discover module. As URL use module name from step 3.7:

    4.3 Enable module:

    Now our module is available for using in rancher.