2017-05-12 Joint RM/MM Meeting notes




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 Joint Resource Management/Metadata Management Discussion on the Resource Management Data Domains ModelCate Boerema (Deactivated)

Reviewed this presentation

  • Metadata Concept:
    • Heirarchy:
      • Instance - describes resource holding
        • Codex: Minimal set of metadata; instance-level; e.g. resource name, identifier (ISSN); primarily used for index points
        • Detail record: specialized descriptive record; data will vary based on type of resource; e.g., other identifiers (OCLC numbers)
        • Where do instance records come from?
          • manually entered
          • distilled from a local record such as MARC
            • exported record may not be the same as the local record
          • Accessed via external kb
        • FOLIO Instance Records
          • FOLIO bridge module will be necessary for external kb, mapping/cross-walks (work has to be done by provider)
            • Question: Evaluation process for external kbs? A standard?
            • External kb access will vary - could be read-only, also read/write
          • Will be other ways to integrate for those that are not set up with the bridge module
        • How are local instance records edited?
          • Local records are fully editable
            • Don't know where editor will live yet
            • Edits do not impact linked, source records
            • Can preview/generate new records in MARC
            • Source record can be modified in their native formats
              • FOLIO record is still format agnostic
              • Edits will only sync with FOLIO record if explicitly requested by user
              • FOLIO will notify user of conflicts with sync
              • **Some terminology issues with the slides**
              • Ideally want to store a minimal amount of local changes
        • How are external kb records edited?
          • Will depend on external kb support of editing
            • may be done from within FOLIO or by linking out to external app
            • If no support
              • Allow the creation of custom overlays
              • Provide means for reporting problems
        • How are FOLIO instance records accessed?
          • Single unified search across all resource types and sources
          • Duplicate results could display because multiple sources are being queried
            • May be possible to merge similar/identical records from different sources - should be library-controlled
      • Work - will be optional organizational element, not sure how it will work
      • Item/Holding - An actual copy (physical or electronic) of a resource. Reflects information such as its location (physical or virtual) and barcode
        • Wireframe is still rough, still needs work
        • Physical Item Records
          • Click on physical item in results to view details:
            • Key instance-level metadata
            • Item metadata is displayed and editable:
              • Barcode, material type, etc.
        • Electronic Holding Records
          • Click on item in results to view details:
            • Key instance-level metadata
            • Item metadata is displayed and editable:
              • URL, etc.
    • Next Steps
      • Define instance-level metadata for FOLIO: See Spreadsheet (Cate's original spreadsheet)
      • Define physical item-level metadata for FOLIO
      • Define electronic item-level metadata
    • Formats - Lean on and even adopt standards for what data is collected, how the data is stored
      • Question: Can you reference more than one kb for each instance?
        • If there are two records coming in, the records should be structured the same so decisions will be need to be made how they're handled. 
      • Question: Where does the acquisition record live?
        • Are external to the instance record, will hang off the item record, not the instance record
        • Need to keep records locally - e.g. vendor no longer sells ebook so it's pulled from the vendor/external kb but it's a title that you purchased and you continue to have access
      • Question: Mapping back of changes to FOLIO record?
        • It can't - it's only one way but a second record can be created.
        • With the FOLIO record, you would be able to export a MARC record that could be shared with institutions that do not use FOLIO.
        • Export customizations on top of existing record.
      • Question: Does it make sense for the instance-level record to be editable?
      • **Use examples of a couple of formats to determine what data elements belong in the detail records.[Print book, ejournal]**



Action items
