2017-12-15 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Minute Taker

 Discuss Posts of Interest

  • Update on Cataloging Module work of At-Cult
    • While normally we talk of "apps" in FOLIO, At-Cult is actually taking the existing functionality in their current cataloging Module and porting it over into FOLIO. This work is being done in large part in response to requirements laid out in the tender for a new system from the National Library of Hungary. Will this approach work? What affect will it have on other apps within FOLIO?
      Feeling is that At-Cult needs to be more integrated in with the FOLIO developers and participate regularly with the Metadata SIG.

  • Inventory, UX iteration 2
    • Filip presents updates to the Inventory app in a video.

  • The Codex and its relation to reporting
    • Discussion about how reporting will work using a "Data Lake" model.

  • "Responsive" tables
    • General methods for displaying tabular data - what do you prefer?

  • Sequential Number Generator
    • Used to identify things (can create accession numbers)

Please provide feedback as you see fit.

Year in Review FOLIO Forum was well attended - attendance exceeded the seat limit on the Zoom account.

Need to ebook receiving email from Kirstin Kemner-Heek into Discuss post- "How do you receive ebooks?" along with GBV document.

New video for orders that includes receiving needs to be made.

Receiving: multi-part and serials

Acquisition Small Group

Accession number used for auditing in Germany. Needs to be in the order - added to invoice (e or paper), on item, and then in the Acquisitions module. Needs to be added to the order at the time of receipt. Acquisitions subgroup hasn't created a place for it but will discuss it. Kirstin and Charlotte will discuss it further with the subgroup.

Can we use receiving to help gather statistics about various operations in the library? Acquisitions subgroup may need to get with the Reporting SIG. May be able to use tags to capture elements of a purchase you might want to sort by or report by. Discussions going on as to the various types of reports - real-time vs. generating after the fact - and the apps that would be included. Reporting SIG master spreadsheet:

Checkin for serials. Maintenance allows you to adjust patterns. Once checked in, can view History. Can add new items, including multiple supplements. Can items be sorted by columns? Yes, will be able to sort by column.

Will a library have to enter in a pattern or expected items? In other words, will predictive check-in be a mandatory set up for libraries to check-in serials or will we be able to by-pass that functionality? Patterns will be optional. Is predictive check in needed for V1 considering the potential resources needed to program the functionality? The proposed functionality is really scaled down from what is in current systems so the work needed to do it would not be too bad. Mixed responses - U. of Chicago doesn't use them since moving to OLE; others would like having patterns but are okay with them being simple. It's needed for claiming purposes.

Claiming is out of scope for V1.

Check in / Check out is used for Circulation of items. So is the term ‘Check in’ here in the Acquisition app set in stone? Some libraries use it. "Serials recording" was suggested as another option.

Kristin Martin with touch base with the subgroup and Mike Winkler about use cases and the ERM.

Finances app dashboardAcquisition Small Group

Provides quick snapshot of ledger(s), funds within each ledger, and then funds filtered by tags.

Unavailable = encumbered, spent, or waiting to be spent.

Can tag funds to describe relationships and then can filter on tags.

Can the snapshots be exported? Has been discussed but no decision made. It would be useful but there's a concern about encroaching on the Reporting SIG's work.

Is there going to be a limit on the number of tags? Yes - the "tags" of FOLIO would be akin to reporting codes that you would find in previous ILS. The tags that display will only be those that are associated with the selected ledger/fund.

Should Vendors anticipate that they will need to support FOLIO local data fields in their purchasing websites? Yes. They already do that in the recent systems.

The app will be uploaded.

Action items
