2022-06-15 Meeting notes

2022-06-15 Meeting notes



Jana Freytag Martina Tumulla Thomas Trutt Michelle Futornick Jacquie Samples Marie Widigson Martina Schildt 

Zoom link: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/88593295877?pwd=Zm53aG1Ga2g5SVV1OFAvK0lMVVVQdz09

Calendar invite: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/meeting/tZwofuqqpz4iHdMaS6vffyjDAlO5x1_KkNTf/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGgqzIpGN2QuB6ARpw-GYr4b-rxmCVHgqdwnSyzFSZVewnSF-5tZ6ouL_Pb

Discussion items


To Dos

follow ups 


  • Enter a new request should maybe be a different process from prioritisation
    • prio group will propose approach to PC; but as a separately step to the actual prioritization
  • Having a form (very much like the Jira entry) to submit new featuers - then a person has to sort through them and enter them into Jira as a draft version
  • Communication is key here - explain the process to all but especially to new community members

  • Approach:
    • There are forms for every SIG with some default information
    • via API the forms will be fed automatically into JIRA
    • as new features
    • with a specific status for "new requests"
    • the PO or SIG convener can bring these requests into the SIG discussion and can change the status or give feedback to requestor if it is a duplicate
  • What should SIGs rank on?
    • answer: open features
    • that is what we ranked on so far 
    • new institutions should be able to rank backwards
    • we should prevent that duplicates are created because the "new requests" do not cover what the requiremnt is (but an older open feature would)
  • featues should be clear in title and description
    • we can only advice on that one
  • feedback by Julie: 
    • "Indeed, you can’t actually force dev teams to take on work, but you can indicate to the PO team lead (who is the guardian of the dev team’s backlog) how the community feels about features."
  • Thomas in chat: Can we do a combination of fields for a calculated rank: Priority, Impact on work, Urgency?
    • good idea


Von mir an alle 05:01 PM
Sorry for being late, I was sitting in the wrong meeting 🙄
Von Jana Freytag an alle 05:01 PM
No worries we talk about the lotus update
Von mir an alle 05:02 PM
I can take notes
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:03 PM
It's hard to find null data :)
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:08 PM
I like status instead of a type.
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:08 PM
+1 Tom
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:12 PM
You could maybe use the JIRA APIs, have an open form that adds a ticket under a generic account and maybe even a different section.
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:12 PM
That sounds like a reasonable idea, too, Thomas!
Von Michelle Futornick an alle 05:12 PM
yes at stanford we've done a google form that creates a JIRA ticket automatically
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:12 PM
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:19 PM
I like using the tools we have, when possible, reasonable.
That happens now, too, if/when ideas come up in meetings that don't go forward.
great minds think alike.  :)
Von mir an alle 05:19 PM
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:21 PM
I think having a dashboard for new, draft, etc. Jiras would be great. One for each I mean.
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:25 PM
can this be leveraged for new issues? https://discuss.folio.org/
Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:25 PM
I think that was what we'd hoped for back in ancient history?  But I could be wrong.
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:27 PM
https://forums.plex.tv/c/feature-suggestions/8  --- their site..
Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:32 PM

Agreed.. Feature titles and descriptions need to be VERY clear. written for someone that has no understanding of the area.

Von Martina Schildt | VZG an alle 05:32 PM


Von Jacquie Samples -- Duke an alle 05:33 PM

the developers have asked for more details as well, for some things.  So, I guess it goes both ways.

Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:34 PM
it does.. the developers know the code but most likely not the workflows.

Von Thomas Trutt an alle 05:48 PM
Can we do a combination of fields for a calculated rank: Priority, Impact on work, Urgency?

Action items


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