2022-04-27 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Chulin Meng is next in line, followed by Tod Olson 

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll

Zak Burke To be completed next week

5-10 minTCR Board Review


Update on TCR-7? No further updates for this week.

15-25  min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


  • New Module Tech Evaluation: updating acceptance criteria,  removing some non-technical criteria, to be ready in a week or two, Craig and Jeremy will ask for feedback.
  • Technical Decision Making Process: Move the RFC to next step, Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan will convene a tech review meeting before next TC meeting and will present the finding next Wednesday.
  • Updates from subgroups (5m)
  • Tod Olson asked for some additional time for Goals and Objectives subgroup (5-10m)

Some perceived Technical pain points to start with, would like to know how to solicit feedback and input, especially whom should we talk to about this?

Conflation of gateway and discovery, having Okapi serving both roles
What are the particulars here?
Reliance on HTTP as primary communication
Having a message queue be more central to communication model, embrace more thoroughly
Dependency graph is complex
JSONB storage: storing large objects in JSONB has a lot of CPU overhead to serialize/deserialize when one needs to update discrete fields. See: PostgreSQL JSONB is not for free 
Over-reliance on synchronous updates, FOLIO may benefit from identifying more operations that can be done in an asynchronous manner; alternately, by distinguishing clearly when synchronous is needed.
FOLIO has fallen into "microservice = module", but microservice is "bounded context". 


talk to Raman Auramau and EPAM solution architects, SysOp SIG

explore why we are seeing these pain points and the underlying causes

Some other areas: Version upgrades and required downtime, Observability: need appropriate visibility into the code/operations

From Mike Gorrell :

Simeon Warner and Harry Kaplanian are running this year’s elections for all councils. Please let them know if anyone from PC or TC wants to help out. Also, they ask that you let them know whether you want to change description/qualifications from last year as well as confirm how many seats will be open (should be 5 for each council but not sure whether anyone has/is stepping down).Reminder that 6 seats on the TC/PC were supposed to be 2 year terms, and 5 seats were supposed to be 1 year terms - those 5 seats are the ones open for election this year. The announcement/request for candidates should go out May 9th. Our timetable is:

  1. Call for Nominees May 9, 2022
  2. Nominees due/finalized May 20, 2022
  3. Voting opens May 30, 2022
  4. Voting ends June 17, 2022
  5. Results announce June 20, 2022
  6. New Councils formed/start July 1, 2022

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

  • Anybody want to volunteer to help with the election? Please reach out to Mike if you would like to volunteer.
  • Do we want to make any adjustments to the description/qualifications? Craig McNally to finalize the changes before May 9th.
  • Verify the list of who's stepping down after 1 year.  See Technical Council Membership History
  • Verify that those stepping down can run again. The answer is yes, you can run again.
  • Other suggestions: more than one representative from each institution, volunteer/appointment instead of election
5-10 minCommunity UpdateAll

Tentative date:  May 27

Any ideas for topics?

TC needs to start preparing their update:  Accomplishments in Q1 2022, Goals/plan for Q2 2022

Craig McNally will present at next community update

5-10 minWOLF Con Planning
5 minUpdates from PC and CC?

Tod: No updates from PC for now.

Marc: CC would like TC to be at CC meetings.

Action Items