2021-03-17 Meeting Notes

2021-03-17 Meeting Notes




Discussion items





Redundancy of FOLIO's Jira

Per this issue: FOLIO-3074 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Question: should the FOLIO project use a multi-zone database instance for FOLIO's Jira?

The Tech Council should make a recommendation.


TC affirmed the decision to use a multi-AZ RDS for Jira.  Reasoning behind this was added to the FOLIO-3074 issue.

New Modules, new teams and impacting our reference environments' CD pipelineTC

Review last week's discussion: 2021-03-10 Meeting Minutes

Bottom line: We need to define the problem more clearly before we can make progress. 

Bottom-line discussion on 3/17/2021:

  • Can these teams' code be checked in and included in ref envs?
    • We need a formal process
      • need to formalize expectations for new teams
      • both WRT code quality/DoD, and also WRT CI/CD pipeline
      • add early integration points!
    • Note - we’re not made of money, can’t really support everything in CI, even if micorservices supports everything
    • Once we have a documented/formal process, as a community we need to be more careful, more forceful about the process and deadlines
    • for current issues, handle this a la release triage process?
  • Will always (and should) be a health tension among po, tech lead, scrum master, qa
  • Need a way to est source of truth for module ownership then generate the responsibility matrix based on that

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