2020-05-06 Meeting notes

2020-05-06 Meeting notes



Discussion items

15 minTech Leads Retrospective

Review /wiki/spaces/TLG/pages/753913 and decide if TC has any actions. two main themes:

1) Improve communication - what's happening (increasing data size dramatically in bugfest environment), what's the process (what is the bug fix release process for bugfest) and what are the expectations from teams (upgrade scripts part of Definition of Done? Are teams expected to compare DB definitions fresh and post upgrade to confirm consistency)?

2) We need more DevOps capacity - need to service many teams needs for access to logs, creation of various environments, apply patches/fixes, push CI/CD jobs, etc.

Note not having enough DevOps capacity has a direct impact on teams' ability to deliver in the current and future quarters. Anecdotally cost many teams a sprint of more of work, and you could argue that many of the 50 items in the Hotfix were partially the result of lack of resources (also related to need for improved communication).

15 min Review/approve Release numbering recommendationTC 

Release numbering the Platform. Latest (final?) version to discuss with FOLIO implementers and present to Product Council: 


30 minNew/revised backlog items TC

Describe, prioritize and schedule further discussions:

  • pr preview updates - CI/CD environments being discussed 
  • tech debt - To review DEBT project, also Marc Johnson reviewing "old" bugs (i.e. open more than 365 days); some may be Tech Debt items.
  • arch. blueprint items  - Discussions are ongoing. Get summary of discussions next week.
  • start prioritizing Q3 work for the core:platform team - want items above to be far enough along to influence what items make it onto Q3 plans.