2020-03-25 Meeting notes

2020-03-25 Meeting notes



Discussion items

10 minutesAction Items and To-DosTC

Review list of Action items from previous month's meetings

  • Documentation/etc around PR reviews from this discussion: Zak, Craig
  • Heard from Stephen on the Data Migration Task Force. Met with SRS dev team and contributed to this document - not sure how/when this will impact release schedules/etc. Ann-Marie and Taras (architect) are evaluating.
 10 minutesDiscuss Security Team and Policy 

Review and define actions related to Security Policy

Security Issue Policies and Processes

Next steps: 

  1. We need to provide guidance and some notion of "safe harbor" so that people can feel free to report bugs/problems and not be concerns with legal implications. The thinking is that this should come from the OLF. Should be done by OLF Legal Council. Mike to raise with Ginny Boyer for action BY April 1, 2020.
  2. Need to define the support policy in terms of which versions will be supported and addressed with this policy. Should be defined by the Product Council - ideally completed by March 31, 2020. Mike to raise issue with Jesse BY April 1, 2020.
  3. Need to define the process by which this group is selected. This is not an honorary role - this is a commitment and work will need to be done as soon as issues come up. Tech Council will select the initial group. Each TC member will consider nominations for next meeting (April 1, 2020).
  4. Create a presence for security - including a place for this document to live so that it's public and available, and contacts, reporting methods and email addresses to be used are clear, how the members may (or may) not be mentioned, contacted, etc. Should be done by the (new) team
  5. Ideally target July 1, 2020 to have these completed
15 minutesArchitectural Blueprint Overview Doc

Recommendation for this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ia4KsGyz7I7I3gDtT90JzuiygFJFkg6kDEuFTrryIgA/edit#heading=h.5yc7awa0vuvz

  1. Create top level page under Tech Council Wiki called "FOLIO Architectural Blueprint" - Note there's a "FOLIO Platform" space that exists today - Tech Council space should link to it.
  2. Copy/Paste the content from the document into the Wiki
  3. Poll Tech Leads and Sys-Ops SIG for input on sections (e.g. Tod asks for some diagrams that help set context for the system)
  4. Assign sections to certain individuals for completing drafts; manage the creation/update (due dates, etc.)
    1. Jakub, Adam, Craig, Marc, Vince, Zak, Taras Spaschenko, John Coburn, others ( ? )
  5. Target July 1, 2020 as completion date; consider creating JIRA issues
  6. Create a link to the Architectural Roadmap (see following section)
  7. Review Blueprint Annually for review and update
35 minutesArchitectural Roadmap DiscussionReview itemized list of items that will be discussed in detail, and how we'll proceed with that discussion.
A list of Folio Architectural Blueprint items under consideration has been created. The list is located here.

Action items
