2020-05-13 Meeting notes

2020-05-13 Meeting notes


AttendeesMike Gorrell

Discussion items

30 minutesRelease Coordinator presentationPOSTPONED - Presentation by Oleksii about his role and plans to coordinate release activities.
10 minCode of ConductPeter Murray

Finalized Code of Conduct for TC Approval:

TC to vote next week

20 minCI/CD and Development environmentsTC

Describe conversations and recommendations for 'scratch' environments for development teams related to this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TwUWb4482r4uKmjChbl56wsNovopkihu6WdqNpPS2Z4/edit

 0 minUpdate on Security Group  Setting up confluence space, google drive, reviewing Policy, proposed "Safe Harbor" statement and current Security issues in JIRA
0 minUpdate on Architectural Blueprint Discussions (monthly topic)Item Champions

Heads up - NEXT WEEK (2020-05-20) each item will be summarized by the Champion based on this list:

  • What are the state of discussions
  • Is there any active development on any of these items
  • Is anything blocked by this item
  • Timetable for conclusion

Potentially a standing period of our meetings to discuss items (additions/etc.)

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