2020-04-22 Meeting notes

2020-04-22 Meeting notes



Discussion items

20 minupdate on open action itemsTC

Review Action Items here Meeting notes (2) 

Module Upgrades/ data upgrade Scripts: There are 5 issues that have been logged that are being considered for the hot fix release coming out next week (search Jira for q1-2020-migration-issue).

Data Import/Export & new migration - William's been added to the team. Discussion documented here.


  • Names mentioned last week:
    • Ryan Berger - Front End (EBSCO)
    • Brandon Tharp - DevOps (Texas A&M)
    • Craig McNally - BE, core, several apps (EBSCO) - could be a different Core Team member - will resolve after discussion
    • Julian Ladisch - BE (GBV)
    • Mike Gorrell - TC convener, broad experience (Index Data)
    • ERM Team - seek a nominee (Mike to reach out to Ian)
    • Another SysOps member (Germany?? - Tod and Marko to reach out) - Axel Doerrer (Axel Dörrer)
    • Other potentials - someone with PostgreSQL background/skills - (Julian has those)
  • Safe Harbor Statement - No update :-( - but do have lawyer lined up from Duke.
  • Release Management (see above)

Architectural Blueprint discussions - 

  • Discussions being documented and linked to from the TC's wiki, but the documents aren't necessarily public. Opened to the group that is collaborating until the design/discussion has reached the point where public review makes sense. We'll continue to get updates at the TC.
20 minRelease Numbering for the PlatformTC

Pick up discussion from last week's Presentation/discussion.

We landed on the idea that there are 2 streams of releases:

  • One based on the LTS/annual release frequency.
  • Another based on a quarterly release frequency.
  • Annually (when the LTS is released) these two are identical in functionality and will be released at the same time.
  • We tentatively agreed that this naming convention could make sense:
    • LTS: YYYY-MM-SEQ where:
      • YYYY-MM is the year-month of the original LTS release
      • SEQ is a sequence starting with 01. So if there's ever a maintenance release it would increment (ie. YYYY-MM-02)
    • Quarterly releases: YYYY-Qn-SEQ where:
      • YYYY-Qn is the Year-Quarter Number (i.e. 2020-Q3)
      • SEQ is a sequence starting with 01. So if there's ever a maintenance release it would increment (i.e. 2020-Q3-02)

We went over so we'll start with this next week to see if there's still agreement and discuss next steps.

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