




Discussion items


Tech Debt UpdatesTC



DEBT-1 (optimistic locking): the platform team has pulled RMB-727 into the current sprint. It’s an implementation ticket for platform support for optimistic locking via a “version” field stored in the entity (record). This support is enabled per table/endpoint.  We expect that for R1 the functionality will be available to experiment with but the actual “prevention” of conflicting updates will not be enabled for any APIs. For selected APIs, however, we are considering enabling “detection” — conflicts will not be prevented but there will be a warning produced in the system log for suspected conflicting updates.

    • QUESTION - is anything being done for Spring Way? ANSWER - not now. Leads to a more general question - at what point do we add "Platform-like" features to both RMB and Spring Way.
    • QUESTION - how does the "enabled per table/endpoint" manifest itself in API changes. ANSWER - for R1 no changes to APIs - essentially allowing us to detect/log when and how often"collisions" happen. We think (Jakub not here to confirm) that R2 will allow the backend to reject requests, unsure if UI modules will be able to deal with this at this time. Because of the impact of this change it's being rolled out very slowly and deliberately.

DEBT-3 (batch APIs) — the platform team has pulled RMB-389 into the current sprint, it’s an implementation ticket for the “delete by query” functionality that is a requirement by the batch delete API

    • QUESTION - has this moved into "in progress"?
    • Note - discussion recently in Data Import group relating to frustration that this doesn't exist.
    • QUESTION - how will this work be prioritized if a PO isn't there to lobby for it, as it needs to be implemented per module. ANSWER - think it's a Capacity Planning Group action and/or a Tech Debt/Tech Council push. NOTE that there isn't capacity in R1 so may be R2 at best.

DEBT-5 - accessibility work continues. Trying to get accessibility tests baked into Regression tests.

    • QUESTION - how does this move from In Progress to "Done"? Zak will think about this and come back to TC on a recommendation.

DEBT-6 - Update - PTF has been active. Now at a point where they recommend all teams conduct performance testing

    • Transferring Performance Testing to FOLIO Teams - To ask Martin to open this doc up - will have TC review for commentary 9-December
    • Note - the cost of Team's adopting/implementing this approach has not been estimated?
    • Still useful for institutions to contribute data sets? (e.g. orders, etc.)

DEBT-11 - Work there continues. A framework exists but some legacy apps haven't been migrated.

DEBT-18 - Elastic Search is underway - Falcon is the team that is working this for R1.

Assigned the action for all TC members to review the Lower Priority items and be prepared to weigh in on removing them as Tech Debt items or increasing their priority to Medium (or leaving them at Low). Discussing 9-December.

NOTE - TC members should add updates to the tickets themselves.