2020-04-08 Meeting notes

2020-04-08 Meeting notes



Discussion items

5 minConfirm attendance at FOLIO ImplementersWe are scheduled to talk about release support with FOLIO Implementers next Tuesday at 11am: Craig, Mike, Tod, Jakub, Mark V. - we'll use the slides that Mark V showed at WOLFcon as the basis. This relates to the Security Policy actions.  zoom.us/j/244921097
 15 minNominees for Security TeamTC 

Take names that TC members nominate to be part of Security team, discuss how to approach/assemble them. 

  1. Ryan Berger - Front End (EBSCO)
  2. Brandon Tharp - DevOps (Texas A&M)
  3. Craig McNally - BE, core, several apps (EBSCO) - could be a different Core Team member - will resolve after discussion
  4. Mike Gorrell - TC convener, broad experience (Index Data)
  5. ERM Team - seek a nominee (Mike to reach out to Ian)
  6. Another SysOps member (Germany?? - Tod and Marko to reach out)
  7. Other potentials - someone with PostgreSQL background/skills?
15 minUpdated from open itemsTC

Module Upgrades/ data migration Scripts: Updates posted to the Data Migration channel. Bottom line, generally failed but some stuff kind of worked. Differences between A&M Data and sample/reference data. FYI - new JIRA label q1-2020-migration-issue:

Data Import/Export - effort kicking off 

Security: Quote from Lawyer for review of our language $500. Discussed possibility of foregoing the legal review in the hopes of publishing something that is "Good enough". Perhaps we can have a university legal council do a "free" review. Mike Gorrellto followup with some.

Architectural Blueprint discussions - 

  • AES Solution is agreed on and verified, some performance issues in other parts of the architecture.

Open items?