2020-04-15 Meeting notes



Discussion items

20 minRelease Management Discussion with FOLIO ImplementersReview presentation and discussion with the FOLIO Implementers about FOLIO Release cycles and management
20 minUpdate on open action items TC 

Discussion Deferred:

Review Action Items here Meeting notes 

Module Upgrades/ data migration Scripts: 

Data Import/Export - 


  • Names mentioned last week:
    • Ryan Berger - Front End (EBSCO)
    • Brandon Tharp - DevOps (Texas A&M)
    • Craig McNally - BE, core, several apps (EBSCO) - could be a different Core Team member - will resolve after discussion
    • Mike Gorrell - TC convener, broad experience (Index Data)
    • ERM Team - seek a nominee (Mike to reach out to Ian)
    • Another SysOps member (Germany?? - Tod and Marko to reach out)
    • Other potentials - someone with PostgreSQL background/skills?
  • Safe Harbor Statement
  • Release Management (see above)

Architectural Blueprint discussions - 

  • Where are discussions being documented?

??Open Items