2024-06-11 Discovery working group
2024-06-11 Discovery working group
At Meeting
Name | Association |
Nicole Trujillo | CU Boulder |
Bernd Oberknapp | Freiburg |
Marie Widigson | Chalmers |
Cory Lown | Stanford |
Meeting room Link
2024 Discovery API Improvements
- Holdings Statement Field in New EDS (Marie Widigson)
- Went live with new EDS with FOLIO patron empowerment 10 June 2024
- Example of how holdings statement now displays:
- Holdings statement shows in column next to item; it will show for every item under that holding.
- List is sorted by available/not available. Customers can also sort by location. Customers cannot sort by one then the other. In EDS only the first item is shown.
- Is EBSCO working on sorting options for serials?
- In VuFind/Stanford custom, we are able to customize sorts (available, location, volume info) for individual library preference. However the api is clunky and we would prefer a more elegant solution.
- EDS Bug: When you have two holdings, one with item(s) one without, only holding with item shows. If we have two without it will show both holdings statement. See conversation below for more about holdings with no items in discovery.
- Would you prefer to see the holdings statement above or beside the periodical?
- Would have preferred above, but happy to have something displayed now as this is a very important part of our display.
- Does it apply to all Holdings Statement fields in FOLIO (suppl./index/public notes)?
- Is it only for EDS FOLIO customers?
- Currently yes
- Other discovery examples include Stanford's library catalog, who list it at the top (custom)
- CU Boulder's library catalog, who lists it at the top (VuFind)
- feel free to add other examples!
- Reminder to add comments to UXPROD-4805 - bulk renewing of items
- Any additional steps for listed improvements?
- UXPROD-3972 TLR: allow request on instance with no item record
- On the VuFind list-serve there was a discussion of libraries with holdings but no items for things like serials, how do patrons request?
- Chalmers: in EDS have a customlink that goes to custom form, prefer not to send to EBSCO's patron empowerment (not in order, hard to select multiple items at one time). Changed default status of "not available" to "Contact Library" (in ics layer)
- Freiburg: for records with no items, have a link to a free text form to request (generated by library system-not on FOLIO yet)
- CU Boulder: for records with holdings no items, location/call number does not appear in VuFind (we are working on fixing this), and in new EDS UI shows status= multiple and location.
- feel free to add other examples!
- UXPROD-3972 TLR: allow request on instance with no item record
- WolfCon 2024 presentations
- Alternative to edge_rtac
- Discussion on APIs for Discovery Front End Systems
- Last year similar presentation ended in the survey group
- Ideas of this year's presentation?
- Things improved/fixed since survey
- Top things we'd like to still see improved
- VuFind Preconference session
Next meeting
We have decided to go on with two weekly meetings.
meet again July 9th.
, multiple selections available,
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