2022-11-08 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes

2022-11-08 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes


EDT 11:00am to 12:00


Discussion items





11:00Start of the meeting

11:04VuFind / title level holdsDemianDemian is ready to test title-level holds functionality in VuFind but doesn't have an instance configured to allow testing yet; looking for volunteers. Uwe suggested that Brooks might be a good contact for this. Demian will follow up if no volunteers step forward and he is unable to arrange local testing himself.
11:06Availability API discussionUwe

The specifications on the Brainstorm page for the availability interface page were reviewed and discussed. Some adjustments were made to that document during the discussion.

Some discussion about scope: how should we approach functionality that is not implemented in FOLIO (e.g. restrictions on pickup locations, special rules about availability, etc.)? We can describe what we want for discovery, but how do we get to the point where the basic capabilities are available?

Some discussion about the challenges/potential limitations of EDGE APIs – if logic is built into the API, and not all data is accessible through the API, it is harder to do custom things to meet local needs. This may drive users to continue using direct Okapi access in some situations. Can EDGE API provide more universal access to broad range of data while also offering advantages over Okapi?

12:00End of the meeting
We did not reach the last five items; these will be discussed next time.

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