Brainstorm page for the diverse interface

Brainstorm page for the diverse interface

Miscellaneous needs of discovery interfaces

This intended as an unstructured collection of needs, wishes, use cases, etc.
Please add any thoughts. Don't care about duplicates or potential already supported functions.
In the upcoming discussion it's much easier to drop a point than to find a missing one.

Title / Key

Who (optional)

DescriptionRankTickets, facts and comments by the investigators
Trending items

Obtain lists of items that are currently "trending" (the exact definition of this is open to interpretation – but, for example, items that have recently circulated many times). An API for fetching this type of information could help to power patron recommendations, etc.

In the context of VuFind this would be used to help create a list of suggestions based on what is currently "popular" as determined by the system, to provide serendipity. Historically this might be based on circulation statistics, e.g. most circulated books in a period of time, similar to the "recently returned" shelf. Could be implemented where FOLIO decides what is "trending" or could expose an endpoint where VuFind could formulate a query.