2023-03-14 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes

2023-03-14 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes


EDT 10:00 am to 11:00 am


Discussion items





10:00Start of the meeting:
  • Fixing the agenda
  • Find a minute taker

10:05 - 10:45Future of the group

We should have 2 new goals:

1: getting everything discussed into code

2: should we go on as a subgroup or more as support group for Kallilah as a PO?

Khalilah Gambrell : Maybe a combination of the two Funcitons of the Group: Sharing Knowledge/helping to prioritize and  talk about issues/group needs clarification with/from POs.

Uwe Reh We collected a lot of details. Question: What do we do with the collection? Could stories to discuss the new specs revised patron and rtac api be provided?

Stories do not have an update yet. At earliest in 2 Weeks

Normal way of proceeding would be : Having stories - estimate time - start to programm?

Afraid that we are doing valuable but unused work.

Would prototyping be an option instead of discussing the project in a whole, as we are facing the risk of defining without productive outcome.

Does the group share the view: Bernd Oberknapp identify items that could be moved forward without defining the whole project. (low hanging fruit)→ these should be moved forward.

kristin.olofsson : Leave it after prioritization and identification, then leave it to the community.

Uwe Reh : Could this group be a parnert to the programmers: could we do reviews for the development. Making Tickets more precice?

Demian Katz : What is the right rythm for things to happen. Where do we fit in. In which frequency. No preassure but be able to assist. Can we do things more async? Is it possible to work through slack and meet on demand. Should we suspend for a bit.

Nicole Trujillo : What is relevant information for an outsider: how can they see what is identified. How to follow along with the process. Is it through linked tickets?

Khalilah Gambrell The group highlights the most important issues. And finds requirements. If issues are super important that havent been discussed add them to the list or create a story in the support channel.

Nicole Trujillo : The main goal of the group: Prioritize issues.

Laura Schlett : Ranking the issues we identified as low hanging fruits.  Should this happen via discussion?

Uwe Reh : We could start a new table? Or just a new column?  Go via comment or discuss

Uwe Reh : Gonna add the new column (thank you (smile) ) Everyone can add to rtac and user interface as the see fit.

Khalilah Gambrell : Agrees that a reprioritication would be helpfull when balancing between feasibility and importance.


  • The group decided to further clarify the priority of each item with a "y" in the priority column
    • An extra column will be added to the brainstorming tables
    • Every member can assign their own priority (in levels)
    • When complete the assigned values can be discussed
    • The Group is going to help Khalilah to better assess which points are the most urgent of the "low hanging fruits"
  • Khalilah will share the created stories when ready

Next meeting (two weekly)

10:50End of the meeting

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