2023-09-05 and onwards Discovery Survey working group

2023-09-05 and onwards Discovery Survey working group

Survey Group Members

Villanova University
Library of Congress
EBSCO (formerly Missouri State University)
University of Colorado Boulder
Chalmers University of Technology

Summary of meeting notes:

This wiki page was used for the first weekly meetings only. After that, the group worked directly in Qualtrics and in Slack #discovery_survey 

Notes 2024-1-23
Marie, Nicole, Demian

Discussed Feb 6 Presentation to Discovery Group
Worked on slides, discussed presentation date. Presentation Link: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/84118634836

Notes 2023-10-10
Marie, Nicole, Uwe

Is FOLIO working great with your user-facing front end? Or not?
Whether you're currently using FOLIO in production or just evaluating the system, we'd love to hear your thoughts on your discovery system/OPAC, in particular in relation to patron empowerment functionality and item status.
Please help The Discovery Integration Subgroup is collecting feedback through this short survey! Survey will close October 31.

Post survey on Slack channels: Discovery (test), General, Implementers, German, EBSCO EDS General

List-Serv: VuFind

Notes 2023-09-05
Marie, Demian, Use, Antje, Nicole, Julia, Brooks


What do we mean by "Discovery" - Front end for patrons (regardless of being an OPAC, discovery index, ...)

Thinking in acronyms it's hard to find a the new name for the product class.

  • FEP  - Front end for patrons
  • FESP  - Front end system for patrons
  • UFS - User facing system
  • PFES - Patron's Front end system
  • SASP - Search and access system for patrons
  • PSAS - Patron's search and access system
  • OPAS - Online patron's search and access system
  • PLL - Public library lobby
  • POLL - Public online library lobby
  • OPLL - Online patron's library lobby
  • DGS - Discover & get system
  • LWS - Library's web shop
  • ...

(Perhaps we can ask in the survey for suggestions) postponed

Potential Survey Title and Descriptions:

"Survey on Discovery Systems That Can Be Used with FOLIO"  ? 

(add descriptive text to provide clarity to potential survey takers)

This survey was written by the FOLIO "discovery sub sig" and its Slack channel....(transfer this into the survey description/intro to let survey takers know who wrote the survey/whose survey...

This survey should take no more than X minutes (5? 10?)

Purpose of the survey?

  • 1. Find out who stakeholders are.
    Who has discovery related needs that are similar.
  • Some needs cross multiple systems, some are specific for some front end systems. Common needs / different needs.
  • Gaps between patron-facing/discovery integration functionality and functionality that FOLIO supports (eg. Delivery requests, boundwiths, parent-child instance relationships, etc.)
  • Exists in FOLIO-Okapi / Edge-APIs / ...
  • Identify people for continued conversations who wants to describe their issues.

2. PC - get patron front end on the agenda / roadmap

  • If things needs to be develop in FOLIO. A PO (or a groups of POs) for "discovery"

3. Feedback to the discovery providers, FOLIO community

4. Learn more about gaps/issues

    • Expectation that many needs/interests map directly to the types of systems/system configurations of different institutions.

Format of the survey:

    • series of multiple choice 
      • size of institution, type, 
      • current using of FOLIO/future use?
      • what systems used? (probably a series of questions )
    • follow-up short answer questions to understand issues/pain points and better be able to understand ("would you be willing to talk to us?")
      • could make this part optional?
    • Role of person filling out survey (administrator? product owner? metadata librarian? product owner? IT administrator - it would be interesting to understand also how this role(s) is filled out across institutions since it is not always clear and that influence their answers)

Who should answer?
One at an institution or several people at one institution?
Need to tell what institution they belong to.
If we need to deduplicate for statistical reason we can do that afterwards.

    • Ask for contact and name in case desire to follow-up and ask questions.

Next steps

  • Input draft questions here by next week (the survey is short and simple, should not be difficult)
  • Guidelines: keep the survey short and clear - no more than 5 to 7 minutes?
  • group to start drafting our questions here since most questions are likely known at this point 
  • can share out more widely with the channel after for some feedback after we have a draft
  • what platform should we use?  Qualtrics - Nicole Trujillo (thank you!)
  • who is going to help input questions/administer?

Rough Timeline:

  • Develop draft questions/survey in the next 1-2 weeks 
  • Share out by.. mid-October ?using FOLIO channels. Move while the energy is high

List of Questions

  1. (original: "Have you gone live/will you go live soon?"
    About your FOLIO Background?
    1. Usage of FOLIO circulation ..
      • "We are thinking about"
      • "We are using other modules of FOLIO and tend to activate the circulation modules"
      • "We want to start with FOLIO production in the next 6 months (intent to catch institutions invested into a FOLIO production  - wordsmith this 
      • "It's already in production"
      • Other: Please tell us 
    2. Before FOLIO we were/are using:   (was:  "would be good to have a place if an institution has changed discovery systems or is changing their discovery systems")
      • Please name your former Integrated Library System / Library Management System / Bibliographic Management System
      • 'CheckBox' select if the former system had a integrated user-facing system
      • Otherwise: Please name your former user-facing system
      • I don't know
    3. What user-facing system(s) are you using/planning to use in combination with FOLIO for patron empowerment (i.e see items with item status, requesting, renewing, contact information)  Check as many that apply
      • EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - "new" - as only front end

      • EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - "classic" 
      • Summon
      • WorldCat Discovery

      • Primo central (own Metadata merged in)
      • Primo (own index for own metadata)
      • Blacklight
      • VuFind
      • Lukida
      • TouchPoint
      • Aspen

      • Locate

      • Vega

      • Soutron

      • Enterprise

      • None: Our patrons are directly using the FOLIO-UI
      • Other: Please tell us
    4. Have you had reason to change your FOLIO user-facing system(s)? If so, can you elaborate below
      • Yes
      • No
      • (optional) Please tell us more:
    5. Your user-facing system is:
      • Hosted (by ...)
      • Self hosted but maintained by a service provider  (by ...)
      • Self hosted
      • I don't know
      • Other: please explain
    6. Your user-facing system is:
      • Just personalized
      • highly tailored
      • I don't know
      • Please tell us more:
  2. About your institution
    1. My organization is a:
      • small library less than 10 employees
      • mid size library,  less than 100 employees
      • big library,  less than 1000 employees
      • huge library 
      • consulting company
      • Big service provider (EBSCO, ExLibris, OCLC, ...)  - if we do include this, should we be clear in the intro on who is relevant to take the survey?
      • Consortium of libraries
      • Other: Please tell us
    2. If you don't mind Tell us the name of your organization
  3. About You
    1. My main job is:
      • Librarian
      • System librarian
      • Group/Team leader
      • IT Administrator   - I don't think I understand what this means. perhaps include example job titles/functions here
      • Developer and IT
      • Other: Please tell us
  4. About You and FOLIO 
    1. Do you know the FOLIO "discovery sub sig" and its Slack channel. (transfer this into the survey description/intro to let survey takers know who wrote the survey/whose survey
      • No, neither nor
      • I heard about, but I hadn't the time to join
      • Sometimes I have a look on the channel and the wiki pages
      • Yes, but I lost the context
      • Yes I'm as subscriber of the channel, but I can barely join the meetings.
      • I joined most of the meetings
      • Other: Please tell us more
  5. What is the most useful feature that your user-facing system provides to support the lending (content delivery? - discovery can also mean access points to special collections or just the records themselves ) process. → Free text
    1. This feature:
      • is part of the original software
      • was added/improved by request
      • is self developed
      • is externally developed
      • Please tell us more
  6. What is the most missed feature that your user-facing system lacks to support the lending process. → Free text
    1. Compared with other gaps please rate from 0(all others are more important) to 10(this is more important/needed than any other point)
  7. The "discovery sub sig" has discussed a bunch of  issues (pain points). These issues are related to the official official FOLIO interface (API) for user-facing systems. If you think the functionality should be part of the API, help us to rank the following abstractions. Vote from 0 (I don't care) to 5 (I need it now).
    Some of the issues may be covered from your user-facing system by bypassing the API. If you have no clue what's meant, please skip this issue
    4. ...
  8. (original of '6') What are your 3 main/biggest FOLIO - Discovery related issues (pain points) - (create checklist based on prioritized issue list from Discovery Integration group; also include free text field for more expansive answers) 
  9. Would you be willing to talk to us further about your issues (please include email address if so; optional)

    To keep the survey as short and easy as possible, I wonder if 10-12 is needed? /Marie
  10. How do you rate the importance of your user facing system for your library? (Scale 1-?) → Maybe a good question to begin with or at least in the first part of the survey - agree

    • Why? (Free text)... is this a way to help us understand the survey taker?
  11. What do you expect from a user-facing system? x Choices

    • Fresh and intuitive user interface / good web experience
    • Seamless workflows with library resource management system (e.g. real time availability check)
    • Seamless workflows with library user/identity management
    • Seamless workflows with library licenses and agreements systems
    • Comfortable and flexible possibilities for title data search (indexing)
    • High performance
    • Reporting / Statistics / Analytics
    • Seamless workflows with research, teaching, and learning tools
    • ...Ability for our various end users to find and learn about resources (records, articles, books, archival records) they are looking for to meet their needs with minimal friction
  12. What do you expect from FOLIO in combination with a user-facing system?

    • Provision of standard interfaces (REST)
    • SSO / Shibboleth (or SSO / Open Athens)  connection to facilitate login to university services across the organization 
    • Different search entries/access points (different identifiers should lead to the information)
    • Return of comprehensive information with only one API-request
      • about availability of the item
      • about patron information
      • about availability of the item in dependence on the patron’s settings (e.g. preferred service desk)
    • ...

Bellow I add the question and some not so technical and ranked lines from our brainstorm pages. Maybe we can use the questions (should be simplified a bit) and some selected points for the summary.

Suggestions for the pain-points multiple-choice. BR1, L1 etc are reference numbers for the groups internal discussion only.
Feel free to add/grey out/change! /Marie
Idea: To NOT have multiple-choice, instead a separate document with ideas (the below) of possible frustrations./Nicole & Marie
I have copied this list to a separate page: List of possible issues with your user-facing front end. However, we now use a Google doc instead, -where all updates are made
 . /Marie

Before placing a request (BR)

  • BR1 Assuming using Title level requests:
    The patron should see the number of open requests on an instance. (This could help the patron determine if (s)he should bother placing the request or not.)
  • BR2 Assumimg using Item level requests:
    The patron should see the number of open requests each item. (This could help the patron determine if (s)he should bother placing the request or not.)
  • BR3 For instances that has no items, an alternative request method should be offered (e.g. a journal where there are no items)
  • BR4 A patron that is logged in should be able to determine if (s)he can request or borrow an item, if there are any limitations to his/her pick-up-locations etc. 

Placing requests (PR)

  • PR1 The patron should be able to select a location to pickup the item.
  • PR2 The patron should be able to choose a preferred pickup location that is shown by default.
  • PR3 Assuming Title level requests enabled in FOLIO:
    Although the patron normally is offered "first available copy", for journals/multi-volume-instances where this makes sense, (s)he should instead be offered to choose a specific item
  • PR4 For journals/multi-volume-instances where this makes sense, the patron should be able to request multiple items from the same FOLIO instance
  • PR5 If placing a request is not successful, the patron should get an informative message on the screen about the reason why the request failed (e.g. the patron is blocked, the patron account has expired, the type of material is not possible to request, etc)

See and manage requests (MR)

  • MR1 The patron should be able to view chosen pick up location for their open request
  • MR2 The patron should be able to change pick up location for their open request
  • MR3 The patron should be able to see their place in line (queue number) for an open request
  • MR4 The patron should get an estimate of the waiting time for an unfilled request
  • MR5 When the request is awaiting pick up for the patron, this information should be possible to see at the patron account
  • MR6 The patron should be able to see the pickup location for their request that is awaiting pickup
  • MR7 The patron should be able to see the last day to pick up their request that is awaiting pickup
  • MR8 The patron should be able to cancel their request
  • MR9 The patron should be able to cancel multiple requests in one single action

See and manage delivery requests (DR)

  • DR1 The patron should be provided a way of determining which delivery methods are available for a given item/patron combination
  • DR2 The patron should be given an estimated delivery time/day
  • DR3 The patron should be able to cancel a delivery request

See and manage loans (L)

  • L1 The patron should be able to see their due date
  • L2 The patrons should be able to see the number of renewals left for a loan
  • L3 If an item in a patron's loan can't be renewed, this should be indicated before trying to renew (e.g., too many renewals, another patron has recalled it).
  • L4 The patron should understand why it was not possible to renew (e.g., too many renewals, another patron has recalled it). (Assuming it's not possible to see the information before trying.)
  • L5 The patron should be able to renew multiple loans in one single action

See and manage fees and fines (F)

  • F1 A patron should be able to see their outstanding fees and fines
  • F2 A patron should be able to see their history of fees and fines

See and manage personal information (P)

  • P1 A patron should be able to see if (s)he is blocked by the library and the reason for this
  • P2 A patron should be able to see what contact information the library has for him/her (so the patron can see if we hold out-of-date info about them.)
  • P3 A patron should be able to edit selected information, e.g. email address.
  • P4 A patron should see chosen information about patron group and other administrative information that may govern access to particular services.
  • P5 A patron should see their alias, if a library uses an alias (anonymized ID) for hold pickup shelf.
  • P6 A patron should be able to reset their PIN/password for login

See and understand information about items in the result list (I)

  • I1 Data from (any or all of) Enumeration/Chronology/Volume fields in FOLIO should be displayed to patrons 
  • I2 Items should be sorted by Enumeration/Chronology/Volume
  • I3 Notes about items (e.g. damaged) should be displayed to patrons
  • I4 Item loan type should be displayed to patrons
  • I5 Items should be sorted in a logic order (e.g. all available items on top, all items at a holding together).
  • I6 Items should be sortable by the patron

Other (O)

  • O1 The item information should be loading faster
  • O2 Obtain a list of titles that are currently "trending"

Most questions above are collected from the pages below.

What's needed to empower a patron to perform his allowed actions and to maintain his account in a discovery system (see Brainstorm page for the patron interface )

What's needed to display proper actions(buttons) and information to an item in a discovery system. (see https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SYSOPS/Brainstorm+page+for+the+availability+interface )

*Are these questions only available to currently highly engaged FOLIO org. survey takers so they understand the context of these questions?

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