2024-07-09 Discovery working group

At Meeting

Villanova University
Nicole TrujilloCU Boulder
Uwe Rehhebis
Bernd OberknappFreiburg
Marie WidigsonChalmers

2024 Discovery API Improvements 


  • Any additional steps for listed improvements?
    • No movement on UXPROD-4805 bulk renewals
    • MODRTAC-68, how do we move forward?
      • For EBSCO, is this why they cannot display multiple holdings statements in new EDS UI? Nicole will follow up.
  • WolfCon 2024 presentations
    • Do we have a timeline? Can we have 'Satisfying API' first?
      • Demian will ask
    • Single Satisfying API for Availability Information. (A highly configurable alternative to edge_rtac)
      • Uwe Reh, still working on EBSCO/rep
    • Discussion on APIs for Discovery Front End Systems
      • Uwe will check for acceptance email and abstract
      • Last year similar presentation ended in the survey group
      • This year's presentation
        • Create abstract
        • Presentation outline
          • Slide about the survey work
          • slide about apis/middleware/discovery systems
          • Things improved/fixed since survey
            • EBSCO's fixes done since survey?
            • VuFind done since survey. (Poppy authentication)
            • none EBSCO/VuFind implementations (Stanford, Cornell/Blacklight)
        • Top things we'd like to still see improved
        • How to follow/advocate for your top improvements
          • roadmaps
          • Product Owners and SIGs. (How do you find the correct PO? SIG? What about going to Vendors/vendor improvements?)
    • VuFind Preconference session
      • Basic intro to installing VuFind and loading data into. Koha and DSpace. All students will have virtual environments. Prereq is some Linux/Command line experience.
  • Communication regarding other EDS issues (not only FOLIO related)? Here or somewhere else?
  • Are we a SIG? Should we submit to monthly SIG report?
    • Would increase visibility
    • Take this point to another meeting to decide on any action items.

Next meeting

Meetings on Tuesday at 10:00 am EST, dates TBD by #discovery Slack channel and posted here.

Next meeting is July 23, 2024.