2023-01-10 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes

2023-01-10 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes


EDT 10:00 am to 11:00 am


Discussion items





10:00Start of the meeting

Future of the group

Proposal: Take a break and see what can be realized from our lists' low hanging fruits. Meet again after some months and decide about the next steps.

To be discussed again in the next meeting.

Brainstorm page for patron interface

Khalilah Gambrell 

Prioritized topics:

  • Delivery request support (Ac. to Khalilah should rather be supported)
  • Granular error messages
  • Hold shelf expiration date: Khalilah will write a JIRA-ticket
  • Patron info (Khalilah is not sure if the benefits of RMB are so huge. She will ask the architecture experts about SpringWay rewrite rather than RMB)
  • Batch Renewal
  • Human-readable pickup locations
  • Indicate items that can't be renewed
  • Display number of renewals left for an item

Brainstorm page for the availability interface

Prioritized topics:

  • Retrieve both holdings and Item information at the same time

To be continued at "Patron aware information" (started from the bottom)

Outcome of the German meeting

Question by Marie Widigson 

Answered by

Uwe Reh

The meeting was very good. However, the topic was more about how the edgeAPIs could be integrated in German libraries. The requirements collected so far were considered to be largely complete and not discussed in detail. 

Next meeting

EDT 10:00 am to 11:00 am

11:00End of the meeting

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