Meeting Topic and Action Item Backlog - SysOps

Meeting Topic and Action Item Backlog - SysOps

This is a list of outstanding topics for the SysOps group

This is THE list. It replaces Action Items for Development– Needs to be cross-referenced with Tech Council Request/Backlog Page .

SysOps Item-IDTopicDescriptionDate AddedDate ScheduledActionJiraStatus

Securing OKAPI, network topologies for deploying FOLIO

  • Protecting against injection attacks


Docker security

UXPROD-747 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Documentation on Docker modules

Documentation belongs

a) in the README on github

b) on dockerhub

There is a Ticket about that (Anton). Marc Stacy and David Crossley work on this. It is being worked on May/24/2019:  FOLIO-2003 and FOLIO-2008.

Upgrading FOLIO:


UXPROD-748 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Need understanding of possible upgrade workflows

  • Dependency management among modules

  • Data schema changes

UXPROD-753 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1438 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Protecting customization against upgrades 

  • UI upgrade path

  • Backend module upgrade path

Dependency resolution

  • Should be separate from...
CLI / UI for dependency resolution. An Okapi administrative tool.2019-04-12

Worked on in Kubernetes / Orchestration working group. - Okapi admin tool is not yet being touched on. - Stripes has a CLI now; works for Okapi in part also.

Need common tools to get FOLIO up and running


UXPROD-1083 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-748 - Operational Maintenance Open

UXPROD-754 - orchestration - part 1 Open

UXPROD-755 - Scaling - part 1 Open

UXPROD-1429 - Clustered deployment pt2 Closed

Tenant management

  • Dependency management in multi-tenant


External integrations


UXPROD-347 - Getting issue details... STATUS



UXPROD-217 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Re-write LS-Tools

LS-Tools = A tool set at Cornell which allows technical services do library automation tasks through a common web interface.

It is essentially an ETL tool. It comprises cleanup jobs, export and import jobs. There is a specification written for each job that describes who owns it, how it is executed, what is needed, etc. The app also allows for searching of marc data with a highly granular selection capability. The app is a swiss army knife of technical services activities. It has meant a huge increase in productivity for technical services staff. Re-implementing this in Folio will be a challenge.

Some combination of the workflow engine and the marc batch loader could replace LS tools. The workflow engine is meant to be a platform to build these kinds of applications on.

Robbie / Greg and Phil will look at it



Functional requirements: We need human readable identifiers. Eye-readable. Can be read on the phone. It has to accept legacy IDs. New records do not have to be compatible with the legacy identifiers.

Preferred: Sequential identifiers. Sequential identifiers are related to the legacy identifiers. They leverage existing IDs by sequential numbers.

It doesn't make sense to fix it after having gone live.

We have them for the inventory app.

Jira UIIN-435

Standards / Requirements for module instrumentation. Being able to see what is going on in a given module for debugging, performance analysis.

UXPROD-756 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Bootstrapping tool that
  • creates tenant
  • sets up admin user

A script. Might be consolidated into a single administrative toolkit.

Right now, there is a perl script. Need to be a pushed-button thing.

Missing Documentation and Information

InformationDate AddedAction
Okapi documentation is outdated

No technical overview of how data flows through FOLIO, closest is the single server documentation