2022-12-20 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes

2022-12-20 Discovery Integration Subgroup Meeting notes


EDT 10:00am to 11:00am


Discussion items





10:00Start of the meeting
  • Went over open issues to discuss current status
    • Priority listed in column on the far right side with y.
    • Display number of renewals left for an item
      • UXPROD-2758 on multiple Title/Keys
      • Need to also add a requirement to improve error message for patron blocks (see Indicate items that can't be renewed). There is no issue for that. When Khalilah Gambrell adds a story she will add back to to the brainstorm page, also she has linked the brainstorm page to JIRA.
    • Human-readable pickup locations
      • Two use cases: When patron is creating a request; when a patron is looking at the request they already made
      • Khalilah Gambrell , this is needed, but question is do we include the location and not just the uuid.
      • Khalilah Gambrell , For the "Can this be done in multiple languages" question, is it that when the user is on the page to create or view their request, do we want the display in discovery to respect the user's chosen language?
        • For VuFind, it can handle doing the translation at the discovery layer, although I can see it being handled at the ILS level for better management. Might not be a critical need.
        • So can OCLC PICA
        • Also need to think about what other fields need this support.
    • Batch Renewal 
      • Khalilah Gambrell can we use the Bulk edit development to also support this feature? We might also need to add another story. Will require some discussion about use cases, solution architect to help define the technical approach.
        • Tod Olson For any library that has a fixed due date, for the user to be able to click on renew all of my loans, that's a very natural use case. It would be nice to use the same api as staff (which is currently being worked on). Would need identifier for patron and for items that can be renewed.
        • Marie Widigson How is this similar to bulk edit? We can already select all, select some on the patron interface.
          • JIRA title changed to Ability to batch renew loans across multiple patrons/library users
        • Uwe Reh I would argue this is an option that should be provided by the discovery system. I worry that an api solution might slow down the whole system. 
          • Khalilah Gambrell I think they api should support a way for discovery to make a batch call to renew, for edge cases (900+) I think we can figure out how to accommodate that. We have to think about this for loans as well, as people can have 900+ loans. I think there is work on both the api and discovery side to find an acceptable solution. 
          • Demian Katz I think the question is speed for single vs batch api sends. Which is fastest?
          • Tod Olson The most important thing is that when the operation is done the user has clear information about what renewals succeeded and what renewals failed and why they failed. If that happens synchronously or asynchronously, either way, the user needs to know what action they need to take if they cannot renew.
    • Hold shelf expiration date
      • Marie Widigson We need a way to to show "holdShelfExpirationDate", not just "expirationDate". From the EDS side users can't see where or by when they need to pick up an item.
      • Khalilah Gambrell I can make a story for this one.
    • Most important to  start  with?
      • For Chalmers, Pick up location and Hold shelf expiration
      • Jaime Taylor For UMass, Batch renewals
      • Demian Katz pick up location and hold shelf expiration seem like the lowest hanging fruit to complete. 

Next meeting

2nd week of Jan, 10th, 10 am EST

Discuss high priority items with Khalilah Gambrell 

11:00End of the meeting