2017-03-31 RM Meeting notes




Discussion items

Minute Taker 
Logistics question: Do we need every meeting recorded? how long do we want recordings to be available?Kristin Martin

Ann Crowley, from Cornell, joined RM group.

Recordings: Anne L. Highsmith from TAMU has offered to move recordings to Google Drive. Kristin M will include links from notes to recording.

Resource Management Prototype Demo

  • This is a preview of what will be displayed at the ER&L Open House
Filip Jakobsen

Filip provided demo of mockup site. Previously, he had one big prototype, but they have now come up with solution to have multiple people working on different parts of it simultaneously. Filip will create sample video runthroughs. Current prototype has calendar, circulation, etc., accessible through icons across the top. In to-do app, he shows mailbox system, purchase suggestion field, bibliographic/acquisition information field, notes field.

"Manage list logic" button leads to task control app, where one can control how specific messages, specific actions, vendor contacts, etc., are assigned. Allows individuals to control how tasks are assigned to them. They can still be dragged to other lists, if the automatic assignment was incorrect.

"Bibs", "items", "licenses" - different apps, but with connected information between them.

"Contacts" app has similar notes section to previous apps. Also has "related content" field for emails and more.

"To-do" and "workflows" are more complex than previous apps. Filip has sketched out some other apps, but not created prototypes yet. But they will use similar layout.

Layout, videos, downloads to be delivered by Sunday 1pm, Central, to Kristin Martin. They'll still have 2 hours to review before presentation. Kristin will create overview slides to describe process, background, etc.

Review of Order and Material Types: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SaRD3OuF7u6YgRuZzuTW7Y3Ru-dlDjyaooUcDh-PFj8/edit (this was delayed from 3/24/2017)All

Kristin Martin had been updating Review of Order Types document. See document (link at left) for more complete updates.

Discussion of "returnability": Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated), Kim Maxwell, Kristin Martin discussed difference between standing orders, blanket orders & approvals: in some cases, blanket orders may not be returnable (ie, shelf-ready, ebooks). Kim Maxwell pointed out buying front file of publisher's list, which is perhaps more like a subscription than a standing order, for instance. Sounds like this might not be an order type that people are using with any regularity.

For standing orders, we need to be clear that some are indefinite and some have specific conclusions, but those conclusions (date, volume number) can vary from expectations.

Streaming media licenses not well represented at present. UChicago has recorded streaming videos as individual firm orders. But firm orders don't usually have end dates. DDA acquisitions add another twist, since licenses run out at different times.

Kristin Martin asked if any libraries do not verify that shelf-ready volumes are correct; do they just put them right out on the shelf? Should have option to not need to confirm receipt of goods before closing invoice.

Discussion of closing a PO: PO indicates both payment and receipt, but if it's not closed then funds are 'double-committed' until PO is closed. How do different institutions manage POs that have been paid but not received? For single items, some institutions (TAMU) do roll over POs from one fiscal year to the next if it's been paid, but not received. Another instance is "money-less PO", that are expected to be received, such as local university press publications, which are received at no cost, but still want/need to watch for them to ensure they're received. Also assigned a PO for every gift - helped in tracking gift receipts.

Subscriptions: In WMS, subscription gets new PO# every year. YBP tracks if something is set to auto-renew, or should they contact client first before renewing? Obvoiusly many fewer serial subscriptions per year than monographic purchases, so EDI has been more common in monographic ordering.

Review of Invoicing Activities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0FCu9y8oPa0SaogL6j8HdbQq7eSX8E48Vx-UVSfijw/edit

Other catch-up?AllMany to meet in Austin. Lynn mentioned possible meetup for brunch on Sunday in Austin. Email to follow.

Action items
